MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Now They Absolutely CAN NOT Kill Luke Sk...

Now They Absolutely CAN NOT Kill Luke Skywalker Off

First, they killed off Han in Force Awakens.

Now a real-life tragedy happened with the shocking death of Carrie Fisher, which means they'll probably have little choice but to either severely limit her role and use CG ala Rogue One (only if absolutely necessary) or say she died offscreen in the movie ala Spock (Leonard Nimoy) from Star Trek Beyond.

To kill off Luke as well to "finish off" the old cast would now look absolutely horrible and borderline disrespectful.

How does it feel to be deconstructed?


You're actually right. Now, Luke's chances of survival rise significantly.

What concerns Leia. The movie had been shot months ago. I've read some rumors which said that Leia dies in the movie. But should we believe rumors?

But now. It's certain. Leia dies in the movie. If you hear something about reshoots - that wasn't a part of the plan. If you don't - it was.


You're actually right. Now, Luke's chances of survival rise significantly.

The death of Fisher might have saved the Luke Skywalker character, who now is in the Yoda role. I wonder if he survives IX.

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I suppose yes, cause Hamill is the only remaining actor who connects the older audience with the franchise. He has to stay.


Mentors always die in Hero's Journey stories so that the hero can experience growth and eventually fill the mentor's role.

In the logic of mythology, Luke has to die so that Rey can meet her full potential. Otherwise, if the most powerful Jedi in the universe is hanging out somewhere, he's always in danger of swooping in and solving problems for Rey. Luke's death is necessary for the circle to complete itself; as Luke has grown into the Obi-Wan/Yoda role, Rey must grow into the Luke role.

Carrie Fisher's death is a reminder that Mark Hamill might not be around much longer. If they want to do a proper sendoff for Luke, they have to kill him off in a dramatically satisfying way in Episode 8 or 9. Otherwise they'll be stuck with a "Luke died on the way back to his home planet" scotch tape job in a future installment.


Carrie Fisher's death is a reminder that Mark Hamill might not be around much longer

The man's 65. Let's tone down the drama, please. Kirk Douglas just made his 100th birthday, we're living in a 21st century world with 21st century science at work. Ms. Fisher's death is an unexpected tragedy, sure, but it's not like there's a serial killer out there hunting down the main cast of the original trilogy or something.


Well filming is likely complete so we'll find out. If they've killed off Luke, they can always bring him back as a force ghost for IX anyway.


Agreed. If Luke is killed off in VIII, they better do some reshoots or I'm gonna be pissed.


Why? Characters can't live forever you know. As another poster said, in stories like this the mentor character dying is almost necessary so don't be surprised if it happens.


They should cancel Episode 9...or at least delay it out of respect. IIRC Episode 8 is done filming and Carrie had already finished all her scenes a while ago.



Han Solo with his five second funeral scene in Episode 7 was disrespectful. Disney doesn't care about respecting Star Wars, they just want money.


Yes, they killed Star Wars, why not Luke then?


Hans funeral is one of the opening scenes in episode 8.
We haven't seen it yet, so what the hell are you talking about??


I was about to ask about that because I haven't read up on spoilers and episode 8 leaks.
So they DO have a funeral for Han? I hope Luke is there. Anything else major you can tell me?..or a link?


The new government was destroyed and they are waging war, no time for sappy drawn out funerals


No Star Wars character has survived 2 entire trilogies.

Luke will die in 9 as he should, its his 6th film.

Luke can be a ghost in the next trilogy however.


C3-PO and R2-D2.

 I am a legend in my spare time 


Well, C3-PO was killed in ESB and resurrected... so does he still count?

--End Transmission: Code 350--


Broken and then put back together is a bit different then dying.

 I am a legend in my spare time 


To YOU maybe, but to a droid?

I think you're being a little insensitive here.
I know they're just metal and circuits to you but they're so much more!
They have feelings and emotions.
Stop your hate!

PS. R2 got his melon blowed up good at the end of ANH, so he was killed and resurrected, too!

--End Transmission: Code 350--


Kathleen Kennedy is a frothing feminist. She is in charge of SW now. Han was an alpha male character. She got rid of him right away. Luke is a straight white male. Guess what will happen to him? R.I.P.

She even dragged feminism into her tweet about Carrie Fisher's death.


Kathleen Kennedy is a frothing feminist. She is in charge of SW now. Han was an alpha male character. She got rid of him right away. Luke is a straight white male. Guess what will happen to him? R.I.P.

I heard the main reason Han was killed off was because Harrison Ford agreed to be in VII on the condition Han is killed and he didn't have to go back and film VIII and IX. Don't know if they would have planned to kill Han off anyway, had Harrison not said this, but that is the reason Han Solo won't be in any future movies.


JJ Abrams reportedly said that it was his idea to kill Han, not Harrison's.

Originally, Han was going to survive the events of Episode 7, but Jar Jar Abrams thought him to be "luggage" (his own words) in the final act, so he thought it best that he should bite the bullet.... Or in this case the lightsaber.

How does it feel to be deconstructed?


Yeah it was. Ford just didn't give a *beep* either way.

I wouldve liked if he stuck around since he was one of the few characters that made TFA fun to watch but I don't know if Ford wanted to be in three more films anyway. He probably would do it but I doubt his role would be that big in the others.


Ford always thought there was nothing left for Han Solo to do but to die heroically or tragically. I just wish he post-poned it for Episode VIII.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


Agree. They need to milk Luke for at least five movies.


Regardless of whether its a pattern or SJW "FEMINISM," I can easily have seen the plan be to have Luke return, teach Rey, fight Kylo & die, Leia witnesses the death, realizes her son is gone embraces her force powers & PWNS Snoke but leaves both alive to regroup for IX!

Either way, I could see Luke &/or Leia passing by the end of IX & @ this point Luke surviving @ least as a force ghost for whatever Disney has planned to milk beyond IX!

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


Now THAT I would have actually been on board with (sans Luke dying at Kylo's hands.... He's way too much of a puss to kill Luke). Leia pwning Snoke. I'd pay good money to see that.

Sadly, with the tragic death of Fisher, it'll never happen now, but that's all the more reason to keep Luke around.

How does it feel to be deconstructed?
