Zero investment in the movie

How can you invest in a story and characters when you already know everything that is going to happen? Bad guy is eventually turned good, helps the good girl beat the mega villain. Bad empire collapse with his planet/base, peace and order restored.
WOW, that's the crap they're going for.


who is snoke? where in the film did the bad guy turn good? when did he beat the mega villain with rey ? where in the film was peace and order restored? it ended with rey finding luke ??

do you know what your talking about?


You were "invested" enough to make a message board post about it, so...


Your an idiot you think Rey is gonna stay good then you don't know everything that happens she's gonna go evil


Yet you'll see it anyway....

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


I never once took you for a shareholder in Star Wars...or Disney...or anything really.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


I'm talking about investing emotionally. Did Disney turned you into a robot?


An electric sheep to be precise. 🐑 I moonlight as a private eye.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Episode 7 was pretty terrible and Kylo Ren was the lamest villain of all time. It is hard to get excited for these stupid characters going forward I'll give you that.

However it is Star Wars so you have to care. It is like the prequels. They were terrible, but we still went to see them.


how do you take a movie seiously with a characater clled snoke?


seiously with a characater clled

