MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > 2 best scenes in all the Star Wars movie...

2 best scenes in all the Star Wars movies............

Hands down, these are 2 best scenes in my opinion:

Empire Strikes Back - When Yoda is training Luke and he raises Luke's ship out of the water. The atmosphere and the music is perfect. ( May fav scene )

Return of the Jedi - The whole scene where Luke confronts Vader. Not the fight but the initial scene where they walk and talk. Very powerful when Luke says, " Then my father is truly dead!" You can see the conflict in Vader.

Anyone care to share their favs?


I like when Jar Jar gets his tongue paralyzed by the podracer.


Probably that or that scene where Anakin whines about sand being course and what not


The whole confrontation between Luke/Vader/Emperor is my favorite by far. Not sure about the 2nd one.


The whole Sarlaac Pit scene! Jump, flip back up, catches lightsaber, and their off!


I couldn't begin to try to make up my mind about this.


I agree with the one in TESB, but my favorite from ROTJ is a little bit later when Luke throws his lightsaber away and refuses to join the Emperor

"You have failed, your Higness" and "So be it, Jedi" are 2 of my favorite lines in the whole Trilogy.


Very hard to pick just two but another one for consideration must be in Star Wars itself when the Vader / Obi-Wan showdown comes into view of the hanger whilst the gang are making their escape.

There's something incredibly special about that moment when Obi-Wan spies that Luke can see what's going on, smiles "you've lost" at Darth, and turns his lightsaber off.

Like your ESB scene, the resonance with the music itself elevates that moment to greatness...

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