MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > My theory who Rey will really turn out t...

My theory who Rey will really turn out to be...

is told in this video.
What do you think?


The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that the new Jedi would be Luke's relative. The film showed Rey wasn't Leia's daughter. QED Rey is Luke's daughter.*

* If you've been affected by issues raised by tonight's post, and you'd
like further information / discussion, please visit the Official "Luke Is Rey's Dad thread" here:-

The truth about Marti Pellow


The same argument for how the film showed Rey wasn't Leia's daughter can be applied to her not being Luke's daughter.

Where you can assume Leia would know her about her daughter, you can also assume she would know about her brother's daughter. Unless we're going the route of Rey's mother just being some random hookup.


here's my theory:

In JEDI, Luke mastered *BOTH* the light & dark side of the FORCE, right? What if part of his mastery of the DARK side involved learning how to create life? After the fall of Ben Solo, Luke uses the Force to create Rey & the Force chooses the time to reveal her existence?

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


No, that is not what happened and that can be proven with simple math.

Lets assume that Ben is conceived the night of the rebels victory at Endor. That means he is at least in his 30s. He obviously turned in his late teens/early 20s. Rey is in her late teens or early 20s. Therefore she would have been "created" before he turned.


OR as he started down the 'Dark path.' It DOESN'T have to be an absolute to the minute yin & Yang or 'of a broken heart' situation like the Carrie'/Debbie situation has been considered

I cannot teach him! -Yoda

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


It's not really the same argument at all.

To take a completely random Star Wars example:-
Padme was aware she had given birth to Luke & Leia and that they existed.
Anakin was not aware that they existed yet they were his children.

The truth about Marti Pellow


Yes, there's are certainly exceptions that are possible. At the very least it tends to be guaranteed the mother would know she had kids, while the father might not.

But possible is not the same as reasonable. That's why I made the point about maybe it was just some random hookup of Luke's. If it was any circumstance where Luke had zero involvement with the child or maybe didn't even know she existed, sure. No strong argument for Leia knowing about her.

But anything else? Not so much. You have to be making the case that Luke had a daughter that he never knew, or that he hid her from his family. It's possible, but consider me surprised if they go that direction with it.

Maybe grand-daughter. I am open to the possibility that Luke had some unprotected good times on his nights out at Tosche Station.


I don't really disagree with what you've said here other than the suggestion of a "random hookup". Can't see Disney going down that route! But then, they don't really need to - plenty of unknown timeframe re Luke post ROTJ to be explored. And if you've read that Princess Leia EU book (Bloodlines) you'll know that that was almost laughably vague when it came to mentioning Luke...

Anyway this is digressing quite a bit into guessing speculation based upon the storylines, I was really just discounting Leia being her mother when running through the logic of my first post based upon the trailer / film combo.

The truth about Marti Pellow


There is also a theory that Luke thought she died in the attack on the Jedi Temple


The attack happened 5 years after she was abandoned.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


How do you know that?


The TFA teaser trailer confirmed

Oh, right! Because they've said so in the teaser... Don't be naive😯


"Because they've said so in the teaser" 

You should go back and read what I actually wrote, perhaps then you'd be able to come across as a little less "naive"...

The truth about Marti Pellow


I know your arguments very well. By now you've written at least 100 posts about your theory. All I have to say about this is "NO". And remember that, when you'll be watching Ep VIII.


I do apologise  The way you worded that made me think it was just a casual misunderstanding of the meaning of my post...

The truth about Marti Pellow



Luke Skywalker is the most obvious choice for her father, and his lineage is well known, but that would still leave us with the mystery of who her mother is.

The writers could have gone many directions with her lineage, including many of the theories mentioned.

Luke as her father, and Palpatine as her grandfather would be quite interesting character wise. Would she end up on the light side, or the dark, or would she be the one to bring about the balance that has eluded the Jedi and the Sith since the beginning.

That's just one permutation, people could plug in Kenobi, or whatever character they want into her mothers lineage and come up with a compelling story.


If Luke is her father his character is slaughtered. Luke would become nothing more than a deadbeat dad who abandons his kid for no reason.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


You're assuming he even knew he had a child, and that's one of many ways it could have went down without Luke being a deadbeat dad.


True, but if he isn't aware of a child, it still diminishes his character a bit. It sort of paints him as a womanizer and somewhat disparaging toward women. Making Ray, Luke's daughter simply opens a Pandora's box full of problems.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


What if the mother did a "Morgan LeFay" thing?

Like, one of the older students at the Jedi Academy Luke was trying to build was slowly turned to the Dark Side by Snoke on the sly. She gets older and she (with Snoke's help) forces Luke into a sort of sleep such that she can conceive a child with him without his consent, knowledge or memory.

This would also put Rey's origin firmly in the 'unethical' arena, giving her a source of bitterness that could also lead to temptation to the Dark Side, etc.

--End Transmission: Code 350--


I thought Gyn was her mother, but Rogue One ruled out that theory. So either her mother is related to Obi Wan or someone we haven't met yet. There is also a rumor that they're making Mara Jade Canon, but that rumor started on Wikipedia, and I don't trust anything they said.


Since Anakin was born without a father, Kathleen Kennedy wanted Rey to surpass this fit. She would be born without a father and withoutr a mother. She popped out of a cactus, in the desert of Jakku.


God bless the cactuses.
That's "cacti."
That's racist!

Fear God and Dreadnought!


It's pretty obvious that Rey is Luke's daughter. She is a Skywalker, and has the same technical and agility aptitude as her grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.


Then why the pretentiousness of keeping it a "Mystery Box? The only parent of Rey that any audience would actually care about would have to be Han, Leia, and Luke. Two of them are virtually dead now.
Also, too many inconsistencies and disturbing implications with Rey being Luke's daughter. Luke abandoning her at the age of 5 on some desert $hite-hole middle-of-nowhere planet to someone like Unkar Plutt. And then there's Han and Leia not demonstrating any familiarity with her (and never will again). And Leia's hug making no sense at all.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


All part of the "mystery box" *beep* Leading people into blind alleys, igniting discussion, focusing interest on the franchise...


Imo making her a Kenobi makes most sense.
Otherwise all the obi one Kenobi flashbacks wouldn't make sense. Also he was the most badass character from the prequels and he had a little romance in the Clone Wars. It would make the stand alone upcoming movie about him more interesting as well.

For some reason my bets are on a Kenobi. Skywalker storyline is overrated :p
Would also redeem the prequels a little bit especially when Snoke is Plagueis and was Jar Jar Binks in the prequels as a shape shifter. But I guess that would make star wars too good..


References to Kenobi - a blind alley. My bet is Obi-Wan is somewhat connected to the mystery of Rey's origin, but majority of people overestimate that connection.

The only way this Disney's 'Star Wars' Extended Universe can work is if they go back, beyond any particular character or bloodline, to the essence of Lucas' mythology - to the force itself. And that is what, in my opinion, they've been doing since "The Force Awakens" - going beyond Skywalker's saga, introducing as of yet unrelated characters (like Snoke who even personally implies he comes from the times before the Empire and before The Old Republic).

And if Rey is at all very closely related to any of the already known characters, this person is Anakin. One can clearly see the physical resemblance between young Jake Lloyd and Daisy Ridley. I guarantee you Ridley had been cast particulary because of that resemblance.


I'm still going with her being the daughter of Luke and Leia.
Leia became (my guess) pregnant somewhere between her (first) kiss with Luke on Hoth and the start of ROTJ. After she found out that Luke is her brother, Leia kept quiet about who the father is and left people to assume Han is the father.
(Whilst Leia was visibly pregnant, rumours about the father may have included Chewie ...)


How would that work when Rey is clearly several years younger than Leia's son?


Hmm... Is that fact/canon, or just appearance? (I've only watched TFA once, so far, and not read a great deal about the background).

If that isn't fact...

Could Ben/Kylo Ren just look older due to some force ravaging effects of the dark side?

(And if that is possible, could his decent toward the dark side be influenced by him subconsciously knowing there is another sibling that predates him, but not actually consciously knowing it, maybe even mistakenly thinking that feeling is about Anakin/Vader instead, which fuels his obsession, (aside from Luke most likely constantly talking about Anakin/Vader)).


There's a ten year gap in age between Kylo Ren and Rey, with Kylo being the older of the two at 29 years old at the time of TFA.

Han and Leia had the same age difference.


I asked a couple of friends who are also big Star Wars fans and they said they've seen nothing factual regarding their ages, just assumptions.
Where are you getting this information from? (Genuinely curious)


Is it fact/canon that Han and Chewie weren't having a torrid affair while travelling the galaxy together? It's never verbally stated either way, therefore using that logic, we can't rule it out. However, using common sense we can say it's pretty damn unlikely.

Just like using logic, common sense and what we see on screen we can state with some degree of confidence that Rey is younger than Kylo, and probably not the daughter of Leia and Luke. We see that she looks a fair bit younger than him in present day scenes, and we also see child Rey and younger Kylo at what *appears* to be the same time frame and he is yet again significantly older than her.

But in reality, I don't think we need a single canon reason to rebut your argument. This is a Disney movie aimed at the whole family, including young children. "Mommy, what's incest?" is not what Disney (or the people waiting for the next showing) want to be hearing as families leave the theatre. Fun for the whole family, indeed.


Ray is barely an adult in TFA, which takes place 30+ years after ROTJ meaning something happening right after ANH would make her near, or even older than 40.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


I think Rey is clone of either Luke or Anakin, or both. In TFA we saw that Maz had Luke's/Anakin's lightsaber, the one Luke was holding when Vader cut his hand off. Both hand and saber were presumed lost, but the saber, as mentioned, ended up in Maz's possession, so it would be reasonable to assume someone got ahold of Luke's severed hand.

With that, they had his DNA and could clone him, in this case, the clone ended up being a female version, Rey.

That would explain why Rey was dropped off on Jaku. Jaku being similar to Tatooine, where both Anakin and Luke lived, and where there force powers manifested. They wanted Rey to grow up in a similar environment so her powers could grow.

"I'm gonna show you something beautiful: Everyone screaming for mercy."


Rey is either the reincarnation of Anakin or she's Obi-Wan's Secret Granddaughter.

Wasn't it said that the reason we aren't getting a Obi-Wan Solo Film is because the chances are that they are planning to use him in the current trilogy in some form?

"Fear What You Will Become And Become What You Fear"


That ccould be possible, yes. Obi Wan may still have a role to play in the sequels. Even though Obi Wan only spoke one line, in both his old and young voices, that had to be there for a reason. They wouldn't just throw it in for a laugh... nor (I think) purely for an homage's sake.


Its JJ Abrams. What. Do. You. Think?

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


They wanted Rey to grow up

Who would be "they"?


I noticed no one mentioned that The Force Awakens implied that Han already knew something about Rey...though said something was not revealed.

In Maz's tavern, when Rey went after Finn to talk him out of leaving, the camera held on Maz who asked Han, "Who's the girl?"

Before Han replied, there was a quick cut back to Rey and Finn which then lead into her discovering Anakin's light saber. After Rey's vision, Maz found her with the saber and seemed enlightened. To me, it seems as though she had a meaningful discussion with Han about Rey.

Now, Kasdan and Abrams might not even know what this discussion entailed, but nonetheless it was an ad hoc clue that Han had some insight about Rey. Also, let's not forget that Han died shortly after telling Maz...if he was the only one who knew, perhaps the same is now true of her.


After Rey's vision, Maz found her with the saber and seemed enlightened. To me, it seems as though she had a meaningful discussion with Han about Rey.

Now, Kasdan and Abrams might not even know what this discussion entailed, but nonetheless it was an ad hoc clue that Han had some insight about Rey. Also, let's not forget that Han died shortly after telling Maz...if he was the only one who knew, perhaps the same is now true of her.

All true. All clues leading us in some direction. And Disney/Lucasfilm anticipated our speculation. They need and want this, cause the ongoing interest in the franchise means more profit for them. That's known and sure.

Other known thing is how similar TFA is to A New Hope (the plot, its structure, character design etc.). So what can we say about this? We can say that Disney is determined to recreate 'Star Wars' phenomena like it has started in 1977, cause it's proven to be succesful and highly profitable.

Now. Literally no one after seeing 'Star Wars' in 1977, 1978, 1979 expected the famous "I'm your father" reveal, that's why The Empire and the whole saga is so memorable. Thus, it's reasonable to expect they will try to recreate the same shock in Episode VIII or Episode IX. They have some giant twist up their sleeve. Those clues shown in TFA are consciously designed misdirections preparing you for something totally unexpected.


Those clues shown in TFA are consciously designed misdirections preparing you for something totally unexpected.

...that Rey is the daughter of Yoda and Taun We. 😁
"After 55 years, looks as young you will" - Yoda (about Rey) [Source: my imagination]


Who knows...😎


Hmmm. I like your idea about dropping her off in a similar environment as the previous perfect power vessels. It would make for a great twist if she were a Hux.


Maybe Emperor Palpatine's daughter and Obi-Wan Kenobi had a daughter together and this daughter hooked up with Luke Skywalker, which lead to the birth of Rey. That would make Rey a relative of Palpatine, Kenobi and Skywalker.



She's Luke's daughter or possibly, granddaughter. When the lightsaber is in her hands, it plays the Skywalker theme showing she is definitely a Skywalker, not a Kenobi. Also that theme only played for Anakin and Luke, never for Leia
, she had her own theme. They, and by they I mean Lucas and Disney and the writers, have all said that Star Wars is a Skywalker story. Perhaps there will be other films like Rogue One that are part of the universe and explore other characters like Lando, but the main series is a Skywalker story.

Casey: I say she's a very nice person.
Dan: I say she has no reflection.


The Skywalker Theme is the Star Wars main title motiff. What we hear when Rey grabs the lightsaber was both the theme for Obi-Wan and (chiefly) for the Force. It showed Rey "embracing" the Force that she earlier told Maz Kanata she wanted no part of.


I would concur with this - the music, plus so many of the visual nods, the Maz dialogue, the Leia hug, the epic swirling final coming together shot of Luke / Rey would leave TFA looking quite daft retrospectively if there is no link.

The truth about Marti Pellow


Leia hugging Rey could have simply been a case of two women who loved Han differently sharing a moment of grief over losing him.


In isolation what you're saying here is at least plausible, but I think the criticism was that it was a bit of stretch for two characters who'd never met...

So then you had JJ addressing that by saying it was a mistake and that he regretted having used that scene. The question then becomes how did he make such a "mistake"?

My guess is that it made sense in his mind when they filmed it as he knew that ultimately there will be a reveal to their relationship which will retrospectively make this scene work in people's minds. Otherwise, like the epic, swirling meeting with Luke, it's just going to make the TFA look a bit daft on future viewings.

The truth about Marti Pellow


it's just going to make the TFA look a bit daft on future viewings.

Perhaps to some.

You don't have to have met someone to be sympathetic to their pain. Especially if the Force had given Rey knowledge that Leia was Han's widow.


You have no idea that the Force somehow gave her knowledge that Leia was Han's widow. The movie suggests nothing of the sort. Its completely vague and non-committal about it.
And besides, thats not how the Force fcking works. Its stupid. You cannot chalk up everything to "The Force did it!", thats just laziness. Its not a substitute to good writing that sets things up logically.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


You have no idea that the Force somehow gave her knowledge that Leia was Han's widow.

I didn't claim certainty of it. That's why I included the word "if".

My point is simply that my reading of that hug between Leia and Rey is simply the two women sharing a moment of grief for a man they both loved. I don't read any family connecction between Leia and Rey into the sequence.


Sir John, once a piece of art is created you are of course free to interpret it any way you wish. However, as per my previous post, JJ himself has described the scene as a mistake.

He could very easily have made the same excuse as yourself to justify it but he didn't.

My thoughts are that it will make sense once it is revealed that Rey has a very close resemblance to her mother. This will also make sense of the Luke's TFA script directions - "he doesn't need to ask her who she is... his eyes say it all".

The truth about Marti Pellow


This will also make sense of the Luke's TFA script directions - "he doesn't need to ask her who she is... his eyes say it all".

To me this sounds like it was written by some pseudo-intellectual who wants to sound like he already knows the answers but the truth is he doesn't. He's just winging it. He knows that the mere mysteriousness of it all will lead people to conclude that it must clever and brilliant. He doesn't actually have to have an answer. He'll either solve it later or hand it off to the next guy.

The pretentiousness of this really pisses me off.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


he doesn't need to ask her who she is... his eyes say it all".

This says he knows who she is and why she is there. It does not say Luke is Rey's father, and for reasons I have stated many times by now, I seriously hope Luke is not Rey's father.


He doesn't actually have to have an answer. He'll either solve it later or hand it off to the next guy.
Given JJ'S track record this could well be true...

After reading ages ago that he and Rian Johnson had spent some time discussing where the story was going, however, I do hope that it isn't the case this time.

The truth about Marti Pellow


How fcked up is it that Abrams created such a vague and mysterious mess out of TFA and basically forces the next hapless director to restrict his own creativity in order to deal with Abram's unresolved ideas?

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


What Abrams did was making a commercial for future movies. That's the reason he was hired and paid for. And don't believe those claims which imply stories for Episode VIII or IX haven't been written. They have been written far in advance. Disney is the biggest entertainment company in the world and it paid 4 billions for LucasFilm. At that level you don't rely on accident or luck. And some kind of story, no matter of how great importance for some little people, is just a set of variables.


You severely overestimate Abrams' storytelling ability. He doesn't make stories. He makes mystery after mystery for mystery's sake with no clear idea of a satisfactory resolution.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


He doesn't make stories

Oh, I haven't said anything about Abrams writing anything. Stories (storylines, treatments) for future movies ('Episodes') have been written by some people at LucasFilm.

He makes mystery after mystery for mystery's sake with no clear idea of a satisfactory resolution.

I agree. It's this kind of cheapest trick to lure the audience for another show: "To be continued..." or "I'll tell you later about that...". Yeah, I agree with you. All is true. Except for that bit about lack of "resolution". Resolution is there, but a couple movies later... If it's going to be "satisfactory"? Unfortunately, we'll have to wait to see that. But in this case - it has to be. Disney has to much to lose here.


And don't believe those claims which imply stories for Episode VIII or IX haven't been written. They have been written far in advance.
This is true in so far as the outline for IX was written by Rian Johnson and passed off to Colin Trevorrow and his buddy to flesh out into the script. As I said earlier JJ and Johnson were also involved in discussions, whilst TFA was still in production, which led to some alterations, so yes, you can hope that at some point Johnson, Abrams and probably Kennedy were all sat down with clear picture of how the trilogy played out in their heads...

The truth about Marti Pellow


No. Johnson and Trevorrow don't write these stories - they're designed by an anonymous brain trust operating at LucasFilm. This is all copied from the way Marvel has built its cinematic Universe, with Feige making key creative, strategic decisions. WB, Paramount and, now Universal, operates in the same way, cause it's a proven recipe. Hired directors and official writers are only responsible for an actual final shape of the story and for talking with the press, of course. In this case, you could easily replace Johnson with somebody else, and the picture would have the same story.



The truth about Marti Pellow


My bet is she's the grand daughter of either Obi Wan or Palpatine. She will almost certainly be a princess, this is Disney.
