MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Boba Fett movie should be both a prequel...

Boba Fett movie should be both a prequel and a sequel

Most people would expect the Boba Fett movie to be a prequel, but what if it was also a sequel too where it leads to the events of Return of the Jedi? Then the film goes all expanded universe by having Fett somehow survive and escape the Sarlacc. Then it goes into the comedy realms of the EU my brother told me about where supposedly Fett has a ongoing fall into the Sarlacc and trying to kill the Sarlacc routine going on.

Then by this point Han Solo has became a general and really made a name for himself. Fett will seek revenge by ending the legacy of Han Solo, however his only plan was to fight Han head on and win. Considering we know who made it into Force Awakens, it's rather obvious who wins the fight. Though this time the battle will have Han destroying Fett's iconic armour piece by piece until there's nothing left but a regular looking guy. Then Han will say something like "you survived the first time so I can see you die this time" or possibly "get off my plane" before Han knocks him over and back into the Sarlacc. Then the ending can surprise people first by having Fett survive the Sarlacc only to find himself getting killed by Han Solo and the Sarlacc all over again.


If you ask me, that Boba Fett movie won't get made. The reason is he's a male character. So what you're going to constantly hear will be some talk about that movie, but ultimately - it'll never be made. Unless they decide to somehow change the gender of the character or they'll give him a female apprentice.


Dude the Han Solo movie is coming. Lol stupid dumb ass troll


Dude the Han Solo movie is coming.
Who'll have female apprentice, we're betting. Mark our words.


Leads are Han and lando . Stop hating women they're actually awesome ;). Get laid and you'll see


Emilia Clarke is the biggest star of the three, and if signed on to play in an action movie it means she's going to be a badass in it. Besides, Jesus Chirst... The main character of 'The Force Awakens' is a woman... The main character of 'Rogue One' is a woman... So, should we assume they're going to suddenly shift gears, because the movie is titled 'Han Solo'? No, never gonna happen.


Yea it's titled after a guy XD. Oh rogue one had many leads heck Jynn was overshadowed by the other male leads by a lot . Even tho her character was cool too. Sorry Han and lando are the leads in this movie check Chewie too. Just because they casted a decent popular actresses in it doesn't mean it's gonna be about her. Scarlett Johansson was casted in iron man 2 yet it was still iron mans movie cuz you got it. It was named after him and him and Rhodes had a larger role then black widow.


The Boba Fett film begins as he escapes the Sarlacc.

He's in the process of escaping as the skiff/sail barge battle still rages overhead. He's out before Luke, Han and company make their getaway.

The events of the Boba Fett film occur in parallel to the events of the ROTJ.

Feet sees that Jabba is dead, so he returns to Jabba's palace to take what he wants. He fills Slave 1 with whatever he can carry. He fires up the engines and takes off into Space. No longer caring about Han Solo, his storyline is free to go in an entirely new direction. He's isn't bound to the characters of the OT.

Then...........the story begins...........


I doubt that Boba Fett is a strong enough character to carry a movie on his own. His mystique is due to him being a guy in a cool-looking suit who doesn't say much. Maybe Boba could be a villain in the young Han Solo film or co-star in a film about bounty hunters.


I was hoping they'd make a Bounty Hunter movie in the vein of seven samurai, and Boba is just the bad ass that barely speaks. But they kind of borrowed a bit of that seven samurai stuff for Rogue One, so I guess that'll never happen now.


Has Disney officially confrimed whether Fett is dead or alive in the new canon? I hope it's alive, I'm a Fett fan and really hope he survived the Sarlacc. I did see that Fett "appeared" in the Battle of Jakku sequence in the new Star Wars Battlefront game, and that, obviously, took place after Return of the Jedi.

As for the Fett movie, I still think it will happen, but it better happen sooner rather than later. A solo Boba Fett project has been talked about for years, and I don't want it to be forgotten and stuck in development hell before finally getting released

They've done horrible things
 Split 


I want the movie to be set between ROTJ and TFA so we can sort of see the aftermath of ROTJ and what will lead into the beginnings of TFA.

"Fear What You Will Become And Become What You Fear"


I did see that Fett "appeared" in the Battle of Jakku sequence in the new Star Wars Battlefront game, and that, obviously, took place after Return of the Jedi.

I wouldn't put much stock into tidbits like that. They're usually just easter eggs the game creators put in for fun. Like for example many games has some sort of DLC or unlockable feature that allows players to play as a past but popular character. They're not officially part of the storyline, but they know people like stuff like that.


Oh bugger this.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


This and a Vader movie needs making.
