The Leia characters fate...

My bet is that she dies off screen, or in between Ep 8 and Ep 9. Like maybe she's on a world that gets destroyed by the First Order via another new super weapon, or something like that?

I'd even bet that they open the crawl with something like "Star Wars Episode 9 (title) General Leia is killed in an attack on a Resistance base!"

I'd rather that than more CGI face.


I hate the CGI faces, they look ( and sound ) ridiculous.

The only way that might work is as a hologram or a force ghost.

"I have a Galactic dream!"


I thought Tarkin worked as CGI, but somehow felt that CGI Leia didn't. I'm leaning towards killing off the character.


I think they should let the character die, but make her death the emotional core of the movie. Maybe the First Order assassinates her. You could make her death a big part of Kylo turning back, maybe have Kylo receive a posthumous hologram from Leia saying "Help me Ben Skywalker, you're my only hope"


They could always just use CGI for one death scene in Episode VIII.


The only solution is to kill her character off in Ep. 8...preferably by Kylo...making his redemption all the more powerful.


The big problem, i think, with leia is that the character has been handed the *beep* life imagineable.

- Mother dies at birth
- Father becomes a psychopathic murderer
- Foster family and home planet blown up by a death star
- Failed marriage
- Son becomes a psychopathic murderer
- Brother abandons her
- Psychopathic son kills her husband

Not to mention various bouts of imprisonment and torture.

Im surprised she hasnt topped herself already


Most of what you mentioned happened in Force Awakens. If they kill her off, I'm going to be really depressed since her life turned out so crappy. No happy ending for her at all.


She should be assassinated between 8 and 9 and it should tell in the crawl about it pushing Luke toward the dark side on a vendetta mission.

9 should be about him embracing the dark side, destroying snoke, and heading into rivalry with the knights of ren.

Allowing for the fourth trilogy to see him ruse to become the true sith and be redeemed by Lando, rey, chewie, and the rest in 12. Making Vaders story the first 6 with Luke tying it in throughout the second half and the last 6 about Luke with Vader tying in the first half.

america is at an awkward stage.Its too late to work in the system n too early to shoot the bastards



Not a bad idea. But, then I want an extra movie if they add more storyline.

