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Lucasfilm Has "No Plans" for Digital Re-Creation of Carrie Fisher's Leia

Lucasfilm Has "No Plans" for Digital Re-Creation of Carrie Fisher as Leia


David James/Lucasfilm
"We are still hurting from her loss."

Lucasfilm has issued a statement concerning the future of Star Wars following the death of star Carrie Fisher.

"We don’t normally respond to fan or press speculation, but there is a rumor circulating that we would like to address. We want to assure our fans that Lucasfilm has no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher’s performance as Princess or General Leia Organa," reads a statement posted on Friday. "Carrie Fisher was, is, and always will be a part of the Lucasfilm family. She was our princess, our general, and more importantly, our friend. We are still hurting from her loss. We cherish her memory and legacy as Princess Leia, and will always strive to honor everything she gave to Star Wars."

The statement comes after a report stated Lucasfilm was in negotiations with Fisher's estate to include a digital re-creation of her likeness in future Star Wars films. Fans had expressed concern that Fisher's Leia might be digitally re-created using technology that was on display in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The film, released two weeks before Fisher's death, re-created a younger version of the character, as she appeared in 1977' Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope. It also digitally re-created the late Peter Cushing's Grand Moff Tarkin, who played a more significant role in the film.

Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy and Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow were due to meet this week in Los Angeles to discuss the future of the franchise following Fisher's death. The actress had completed filming on Star Wars: Episode VIII, and sources said at least two key Leia scenes were planned for that film (Dec. 25) and Episode IX (2019). Insiders also said Leia was to have been a bigger part of Episode IX than VIII. Episode IX is to begin filming in early 2018, from a script by Trevorrow and Derek Connolly.

Fisher suffered a heart attack on a flight from London to Los Angeles on Dec. 23, and died at age 60 on Dec. 27. She and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, who died one day after later, were remembered in a joint memorial last week

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


Lucasfilm Has "No Plans" for Digital Re-Creation of Carrie Fisher as Leia
What about the company that owns Lucasfilm?

Fisher suffered a heart attack on a flight from London to Los Angeles on Dec. 23, and died at age 60 on Dec. 27.
She suffered cardiac arrest, not heart attack. The Hollywood Reporter needs to get its fact straight.


Story has been "de-bunked" and Lucasfilm "Deny" any plan's or negotiations to create a digitised Leia for future films.

Films // JANUARY 13, 2017
A Statement Regarding New Rumors

We don’t normally respond to fan or press speculation, but there is a rumor circulating that we would like to address. We want to assure our fans that Lucasfilm has no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher’s performance as Princess or General Leia Organa.

Carrie Fisher was, is, and always will be a part of the Lucasfilm family. She was our princess, our general, and more importantly, our friend. We are still hurting from her loss. We cherish her memory and legacy as Princess Leia, and will always strive to honor everything she gave to Star Wars.

TAGS: Carrie Fisher


Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


Well this is bullscat! What other way is their to honor her and complete her most iconic character? You can't just conveniently write her off or say she died off screen that's a cop out. You can't replace her with another actress that wouldn't feel right or look right, there's only one Leia. Unless her character dies in Ep8 and she already wrapped the filming what else can they do? That's right they better digitally create her, in my opinion that's the only RIGHT and honorable thing to do... But of course that's just from a certain point of view


Well considering Lucasfilm has now confirmed and said "NO" they are not going to recreate a digitised Leia I also seriously doubt they would recast the role either for same reason's, respect and sensitivity to Lucasfilm family employee Carrie Fisher's memory and irreplaceable portrayal of the iconic Princess General Leia Organa.

My thought's are now of only two "possible" scenarios and they being the character actually dies in EP VIII (8)or they write the character out of EP IX (9).

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


Another scenario is that her biggest scene from Episode 9 is already filmed, and she'll die in THAT movie and not 8.


That's extremely unlikely. As far as we know, Trevorrow hasn't even finished the script for IX yet. There's no way she already filmed any scenes for that.

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That's extremely unlikely. As far as we know, Trevorrow hasn't even finished the script for IX yet. There's no way she already filmed any scenes for that.
What about the treatment?


I wonder if they can re-edit scenes already shot for ep 8 to move them around and include some of her scenes already shot into ep 9.


It's possible I suppose ?

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


Maybe because leia is already dead

They don't have to digitally recreate her
