Rey's is clearly the daughter of......

And cue Foot of Copy & Paste.......


The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that the new Jedi would be Luke's relative. The film showed Rey wasn't Leia's daughter. QED Rey is Luke's daughter.

Q. What's going on here Foot - Why do you keep posting this same thing on every single new thread?
A. That's simply untrue. I only post it once when people feel the need to start a new thread on exactly the same subject as at least a dozen other threads, directly below, and all within the first couple of board pages. It's kind of a personal protest against people rehashing the same threads unnecessarily, and pushing posts other people have taken the time to write, and be read, down the board...

Q. Ok, I must admit that's actually pretty decent of you to do that. But what's this about the teaser saying Rey is Luke's daughter - it doesn't say that at all, so why are you claiming that as a fact?
A.  That is simply untrue. I have never once claimed that. I have written three separate sentences in one paragraph. The first sentence only says that the teaser confirms the "new Jedi" as Luke's relative, nothing more.

Q. Ah, ok, got you, but come on it's just words and that, init, wot they've wrotten - it doesn't prove anything?
A. You know what, maybe you are right. Here's me thinking that because they specifically went out of their way to recut a line from the end of ROTJ, which any Star Wars fan would know was spoken by Luke, to his unknowing force powered sister (family member if you will), because they were looking to put something similar in our minds. Nothing specific mind you - just a, erm, "tease" say. I guess in reality, what's much more likely to have happened is that some chap at Lucasfilm has gone out, enjoyed a hefty liquid lunch, come back to the office, and after sitting scratching his nuts for a bit, in his drunken haze has only gone and accidentally cut & pasted then hacked some ROTJ script into TFA document. Could happen to any of us I guess.

Q. Alright Foot, I get you, no need to take the mick! Seriously though - What about Kylo, that chat could have been him right? That would still fit with Luke's words?
A. Well yes, technically they do given he was the only "revealed" relative in TFA, but think about it a bit closer:-

1. This was just the second teaser, v early on in the process of kick starting a new chapter in the Star Wars story. What purpose would be served in alluding to a relationship we'd never see (unless they renumber TFA as Episode X and make Sequel prequels)? Misdirection maybe? But misdirection from what? We had absolutely no idea who any of the new characters were at that point, so that doesn't really make sense...

2. The use and recycling of these lines from ROTJ only really makes sense as an emotional link (as they were never going to be used literally within the film) if Luke was "saying" them to a relation in position to have that reveal made to them, as Leia was. Ben Solo, growing up the son of Leia, and nephew of Luke, was never really going to be in that unknowing position where he'd have it unveiled to him that he "had that power too" as some shock surprise...

Q. So Kylo's out. Fair enough. But what about this rein-coronation stuff I keep reading about? Could be that she's Annnakin right?
A. "My father has it ... You have that power too" - He can't very well have well have two fathers can he?!! Well, maybe technically you could, but I can't see Disney treading that particular path. Besides, you can't really be the one chosen to bring balance to the force if you need to be reincarnated to bring balance to the force! That would mean you did
not bring balance to the force in the first place, and therefore were not the chosen one...

Q. Right, granted that does seem a bit daft, so ok, the teaser does seem to confirm the "new Jedi" as Luke's relation. But how exactly does that mean Rey is Luke's daughter?
A. It's quite simple. If you have now reached acceptance that the teaser confirmed the "new Jedi" as Luke's relative, and turn to think about film - who are Luke's relatives? Leia, and her offspring, i.e. Ben. But, this "new Jedi", who having seen the film we now know was actually Rey, isn't Leia's offspring, i.e. she isn't Ben, therefore she must be Luke's child.

Q. Bingo! Er, ok, I get, and understand all that, and what it implies, but the thing is ... I'd total forgotten about that teaser trailer and I really like this Anakin Clone / Reincarnation / Not related to anybody / Obi-Wan's descendant / etc (delete as appropriate) theory. Can I just ignore what you've said here, cause it's kind of inconsistent with what I'd like to happen?
A. Ha ha, by all means, by all means...

I am the liquor
WCBghizQUsnew Jedi


I don't know why you feel the need to copy and paste that. It's not a fact, as much as I'd like it to be.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


I only post it once when people feel the need to start a new thread on exactly the same subject as at least 15 other threads, within the first couple of board pages, directly below.

It's kind of a personal protest against people rehashing the same threads unnecessarily, and pushing posts other people have taken the time to write, and be read, down the board...

However in this particular case I was slamming away Pete's setup 👍

I am the liquor


That's not my point. The point is why post it like it's a fact? It's not.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


The trailer does not say Lukes daughter.
It only suggests a possible relative.

Everything in the film and previous films contradicts the possibility of Rey being his daughter.

When Luke is mentioned to Rey she talks about him as being some kind of myth, not her father.

When Rey sees hereelf as a youngster she remembers the ship taking off and kesving her on the planet but somehow doesnt recognize Luke as her father when she sees him at thr end?

Previous star wars films have stated that a jedi is bound to solidarity. No wife or familiy.


True Jedi weren't allowed to form attachments or start families, even though Luke proved that it could work in the EU, but that's no longer canon, but consider this: Luke is the last Jedi, he can make his own rules now.....


shes a clone grown from lukes cut hand


She is clearly the daughter of whoever speaks with a british accent. She didn't get that from the planet she was left on which means she got the accent from her parents. So there is your answer.


This is SW, it doesn't work like that.


Whoa, oh sh!t,that's good


Therefore the teaser "suggests" Rey is his daughter, not confirmed. Which is what Foot claims.

I think there have been plenty of signs in the film that could suggest Rey is Luke's daughter.

Why would Rey remember Luke? Anything could have happened to her. She was young or may have had her memory wiped. The people on Jakku such as Platt probably were the ones who told her he was a myth and then grew up believing that. She was young so probably can't put a face to her family. Also, the fact she kept the same hairstyle could suggest that Rey wants the family to recognise her if they come back because Rey probably won't.

But anyway, whose to say she didn't feel something when she saw him?


"Why would Rey remember Luke?"

She remembered the ship that dropped her off on the planet.
Why wouldn't she remember who was on that ship 5 minutes before dropping her off?

"She was young or may have had her memory wiped. "

Im just going by what is in the films.
Theres no suggestion of a memory wipe in the film and no memory wipe has occured on a living being in any of the films.


Maybe she did remember who was on that ship. There's no proof to say that Luke was on that ship, it was most likely someone else. Why would Luke do it? It's too risky. I'm not sure on timeline, but I'm sure It would be around the time Luke supposed to be banished.

If there's a theory on reincarnation, then I'm sure memory wipe is nothing out of the ordinary lmao.


"If there's a theory on reincarnation, then I'm sure memory wipe is nothing out of the ordinary lmao."

No, star wars has always had a mixture of religious undertones from different religions.
Reincarnation is a hindu belief.

Nothing in star wars about memory wipes on humans.


"There's no proof to say that Luke was on that ship, it was most likely someone else. Why would Luke do it?"

Why would she be screaming and crying for a ship with strangers to come back?
The entire film she spoke of her family coming back to get her and youre suggesting the one scene that shows the ship leaving was not carrying Luke?


Nothing in star wars about memory wipes on humans.

Doesn't mean it can't happen, considering everything else that happens.

Why would she be screaming and crying for a ship with strangers to come back?

Because x is leaving her alone on a strange planet. Who wouldn't be screaming and crying?

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


"Doesn't mean it can't happen, considering everything else that happens"

Like what else?
Like Lucas using a mixture of religious motifs in the existing films?

"Because x is leaving her alone on a strange planet. Who wouldn't be screaming and crying? "

Why would the film drive home he point of her family leaving her there and then show her crying over a stranger leaving her there?

In the film she says - " For my family. They'll be back"

Back means they were there once before when they left her.


So SW has lightsabers, spaceships, droids, the force etc. but memories being wiped are out the question? Alright, makes sense....

As I said, the parents probably sent someone else to drop her off. If it was Luke that sent them, it would be too risky for him to be seen out and about. She knew she was being left there, no matter who dropped her off she would still be upset.


"So SW has lightsabers, spaceships, droids, the force etc. but memories being wiped are out the question? "

But apparently reincarnation is out of the question, right?

"As I said, the parents probably sent someone else to drop her off"

And i said , rey said her family wouod be "back".
Back means theyve been there before when they dropped her off


Never said it can't happen, but I just think it would be a really bad storyline.

Yes, of course she would say her family will be back? Who else is she going to say? As I said, even if Luke sent someone to drop Rey off, she would still say her family left her.


"Yes, of course she would say her family will be back? Who else is she going to say?"

My family will come for me.
My family will find me.
My family is coming.

"Back" implies there were there when they dropped her off.
You say they werent there and someone else dropoed her off.


Did not Obi-Wan and Rey use the Force to memory wipe Stormtroopers? I think they did, or the ST would have chased after both as soon as they left the ST's presence


"Therefore the teaser "suggests" Rey is his daughter, not confirmed. Which is what Foot claims."

 That is simply untrue. I have never once claimed that.

I am the liquor


You said the words "confirmed" and "is" in your copy and pasted paragraph.


You're kidding with me right?

Here is the complete copy / paste sentence re the teaser:-
"The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that the new Jedi would be Luke's relative."

That doesn't mention Rey at all, yet you keep saying that I'm claiming the teaser confirms Rey as Luke's daughter, which clearly isn't true.

I am the liquor


You missed the last part of that paragraph:

This film showed that Rey isn't Leia's daughter, QED Rey is Luke's daughter.

Even though you were talking about the film in the last part, if you believe what you wrote above then you must believe he was talking about Rey in the teaser. You said it yourself, Luke was talking about a relative in the teaser. Surely you believe Rey is Luke's daughter hence Rey is "you" in the teaser?

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


I didn't miss anything - I re-copied the entire sentence I wrote with regard to the teaser. You keep saying that I claim the teaser says Rey is Luke's daughter, but that simply isn't true, and in fact misdirects the simplicity of what am saying:-

1."The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that the new Jedi would be Luke's relative." (And that is all I think you said it does as well?)


2. "The film showed Rey wasn't Leia's daughter". i.e. Rey isn't Luke's niece.

It's only through combining the two parts, that you get to the conclusion that Rey is Luke's daughter, and therefore, yes I'd say that Rey would be the "you" from the teaser. But that is a very different thing from what you are claiming I am saying - i.e. I don't believe in the slightest that the teaser shows Rey to be Luke's daughter...

I am the liquor


I'm not disputing the first part of the sentence but your follow on sentence strongly suggests that you think that he was talking about Rey. You talk about how he's referring to a family member and then say Rey is Luke's daughter?

You said:

QED Rey is Luke's daughter.

So therefore of course I'm going to assume that you think Luke was talking about Rey in the teaser? That's all I was claiming.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


It's not "first part of the sentence", it is the first sentence.

I have two separate sentences, one paragraph. The first sentence gives you the relative part, the second the "not niece" part, then "QED Rey is Luke's daughter". There is no logical reason for you to take meaning from the second sentence, and apply it to the first - that's why it's a separate sentence.

Anyway, from that I'm hoping you weren't just deliberately messing with me, and can see that I'm not, and never have, claimed the teaser showed us anything concrete...

I am the liquor


First part of the paragraph then. Happy?

I think it's unfair to say that my claim was "deliberately messing with you". It makes perfect sense for me for me to think that, for the reason I said above. Why wouldn't I combine both sentences? It's in the same paragraph, on the same topic, one after another.

When you use words such as "confirmed" it's pretty much suggesting that you think the teaser has shown us something "concrete". Perhaps re-word your paragraph to use words such as "suggest", as the teaser hasn't "confirmed" about the new Jedi being "Luke's relative".


Oh dear, I said in reply to your previous post that I was hoping you weren't just deliberately messing with me". i.e. I was being nice - giving you the benefit of doubt - hoping that I'd picked you up wrong, and you've replied that I'm being "unfair to say that my claim was "deliberately messing with you"" - So, I think we're clearly having some basic communication problems here!

I said "confirmed" because it confirms family not Rey.

Sorry, but it really doesn't make any sense for you think I'd made any claim in my first sentence based on what was in the second. Just for fun, can I give an alternative example?

Say, that teaser had not existed, but instead one had showing the First Order up to all sorts of naughty business, with a voice over from Luke saying "I must go into exile, I will take one companion, R2D2 or Wicket the Ewok".

If I'd then written:-
"The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that R2 or Wicket would be Luke's companion. The film showed R2 was with Leia, QED Wicket is Luke's companion."

Would you then keep accusing me of saying that I'd claimed the teaser confirmed Wicket was with Luke? And when I kept pointing out that wasn't true, you'd say that it made "perfect sense" for you to think that?

I am the liquor


I was hoping you weren't just deliberately messing with me

I re-read that, I don't see how that was supposed to be giving me the benefit of the doubt but ok.

said "confirmed" because it confirms family

It doesn't confirm family, that's my point. It doesn't confirm anything. He could be referring to anyone, not necessarily family.

Would you then keep accusing me of saying that I'd claimed the teaser confirmed Wicket was with Luke?

No not confirmed, but suggested.

All I'm saying is you claimed the teaser confirmed the new Jedi is Luke's relative:

The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that the new Jedi would be Luke's relative.

Then I also assumed that you believed he was referring to Rey in the teaser. Never said you confirmed that Luke was referring to Rey, I said I assumed that is what you were thinking:

So therefore of course I'm going to assume that you think Luke was talking about Rey in the teaser?

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


whoa, plenty of meat on that bone, enough to get a stew goin, but just so I've got this perfectly straight:-

Re that fun example I gave - are you really saying that I would be claiming that the teaser, in itself, suggested that Wicket would be with Luke?

I am the liquor


I said "confirmed" because it confirms family not Rey.

The teaser doesn't confirm anything. You're reading way too much into this. I think the more likely scenario is that they wanted some cool Star Wars dialogue to stoke the nostalgic fire. If it was really supposed to mean something or be important it would have been in the actual film.


Dude, this is covered in the reply to the question:-
"Q. Ah, ok, got you, but come on it's just words and that, init, wot they've wrotten - it doesn't prove anything?"

Read that, and have a good think about it. I don't think it's a case of me reading too much into it, rather the reverse - people wanting to negate the meaning because they like some theory or other (covered by the last question).

They had six films they could have pulled some force quote or other from for nostalgia purposes, why reuse the familial one, and have Mark Hamill back in the studio to re-record it? It makes absolutely no sense.

I am the liquor


When you very clearly say "QED Rey is Luke's daughter" is it really that hard to see why people think you are saying that the teaser confirms this?


Yeah, already had that same debate on this very thread.

To be honest, I didn't really get it - they're separate sentences - but I took it onboard, and covered it in the response to this question:-
"Q. Ok, I must admit that's actually pretty decent of you to do that. But what's this about the teaser saying Rey is Luke's daughter - it doesn't say that at all, so why are you claiming that as a fact?"

I am the liquor


I really love how you're taking a Q & A that you made up and thinking that is the final word on the subject. Arrogant much?



I have made up that Q&A because I have been posting on here for months exactly the same responses to exactly the same questions, just trying to help people see what I'm getting at with a bit of clarity.

Now why have I had to do that? Because when people don't like something they read in the nth generation copy of the "who are Rey's parents?" thread, they go off and create a new one, "I think Rey is bla bla...". Every time that happens, everyone's views - not just mine, people I have discussed / friendly argued the subject on - are shoved down the board. I just don't think that's fair that happens all the time.

Now, do you really think that is being arrogant?

(bare in mind, even your comments right here - having a pop at me - are now part of that redirect to this thread, and thus people will be free to read your thoughts too next time that thread killing happens)

I am the liquor


When Luke is mentioned to Rey she talks about him as being some kind of myth, not her father.

It's funny how we (not you and me Bio, just people in general) take different meanings from things.

e.g. Here, I took this in completely the opposite way from you. I found it kind of odd that her beliefs are so far removed, that it's not just Luke, but the Jedi full stop that she questions as being real.

I loved Han's "it's true, all of it" from the trailer, but in the film, that scene is kind of messy with Finn (backstory revealed) being there. Finn, the former First Order Stormtrooper, working for Kylo Ren, a force user, with the prime goal of hunting down Luke Skywalker! Anyway, the point is Luke Skywalker, and therefore Jedi, are very well known to be real to the New Order, very well known to be real to the Rebels, and Jakku is not a completely isolated planet. Why is this myth idea so ingrained in her? Combined with not leaving her station because her "family are coming"? Seems a bit ott to me ... Unless, of course, it's a mechanism to keep her from wondering off planet, and discovering the Jedi very much are real, and what they can do.

I am the liquor


Youre making an assumption that everyone outside the rebels and new order would also have knowledge of the Jedi.


Finn, the former First Order Stormtrooper, working for Kylo Ren, a force user, with the prime goal of hunting down Luke Skywalker! Anyway, the point is Luke Skywalker, and therefore Jedi, are very well known to be real to the New Order,
How far down the ranks of the Stromtroopers was the need to know? Capt. Phasma might have been told, but I wouldn't bet on it. Finn wouldn't have had a moment of existential doubt if he had been told about the Force and the need to find Luke Skywalker.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Sorry, maybe worded that wrongly, focusing more on Luke Skywalker. You may be right in terms of his continued existence being on a need to know basis. However, what I was also pointing out was that Kylo Ren himself certainly wasn't(!) an unknown as far as Stormtroopers being unaware of "force users" would be concerned.

I am the liquor


Hahahaha. :D


It's not funny Pete - this was supposed to be a joke thread, but it's happened again! Another, who is Rey's parents thread 

I am the liquor


And we'll all have to deal with it till 2019!


Well, not necessarily Pete, not necessarily... There's this thing I've realised, not sure if you'll have seen it:-

The TFA teaser trailer confirmed that the new Jedi would be Luke's relative. The film showed Rey wasn't Leia's daughter, QED Rey is Luke's daughter.

I am the liquor


Where did the trailer say the next JEDI would be Luke's relative? Answer: No where.

It basically said the force is strong with (some unnamed person) too. The force can be strong with a person but that person may not end up following the path of the Jedi. The path would be hoped for, but not known when those words were spoken.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


Well true enough, Rey isn't technically a Jedi yet. But she will be... post Episode VIII chicken chasing montage.

I am the liquor


Exactly. Nothing's confirmed.


huehuehue how did you know he would come? huehuehue I think you're hacking huehuehue.

It's A HueHueHueHue


Look at this thread!


Mwa ha ha!


A monster, and now the (completely non-) official home of the "Luke is Rey's Dad" Q&A section!

I am the liquor




Let's bump this b@stard!


Let's bump this b@stard!


So Rey is not a Solo or Skywalker, am I correct?


A "don't fall off of the back of the bus" bump...

The truth about Marti Pellow



The truth about Marti Pellow


She is not the daughter of.....


my theory is that Rey's parents are the agents that steals the death star plans in rogue one. doing the movie rogue one gives Disney the chance to set up all sorts of oh my god moments for star wars episodes eight and nine. also if you look at rey there is enough physical resemblance between the actors to say they are related....if you look at the stuff she has where she is living it is all the stuff that a pilot might have that crash lands on the planet....I think her mom crash landed on the planet at the end of episode seven and that Rey was born on the planet at some point her parents leave when she is young and told to stick to the location so she can be retrieved. that never happens.


In terms of expanding the SWCU in a similar manner to the MCU, it wouldn't be the worst concept to link some of the new RO characters into the future Episodes - and yes, having Jyn as Rey's mother could provide that link.

However, it's doubtful we'd get any "oh my god moment" from RO itself, as it is set pre ANH, with Rey's birth not occurring until post ROTJ.

It's worth remembering as well that whilst Rey talks of waiting for her "family", Kylo says she wishes Han was the father she never had, which rules out both parents leaving her on Jakku.

What would work as a nice potential tie-in would be if we see Jyn left, assumed dead, after heroically completing her mission in RO, but then in some postscript scene we see her being pulled barely alive from the rubble. By whom? Well perhaps an all female band of pirates / warriors, a la Kanjiklub. This could then be expanded down the line to be the "family" Rey refers to...

The truth about Marti Pellow


I like this approach for Ray's lineage. I would much prefer if she came from somewhere not connected to the OT. It preserves the story, of the OT, and expands the universe in a not so invasive way. Of course you have to deal with Ray's uncanny force ability, but that could be where you get your tie in from previous movies.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


Of course you have to deal with Ray's uncanny force ability
Well, in the scenario I was suggesting above, I was counting Jyn in, not Luke out.

The question of how she, and her band of merry women, got mixed up with Luke and his struggles against the fledgling Knights of Ren would be a good Star Wars Story for another time...

The truth about Marti Pellow


Oh, well, of course Jyn And Luke are going to meet at Maz's cantina now that you said that.


I could go with that only if Luke never knew he had a daughter. If she is his daughter he must be unaware of her existence to work with his established persona.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


^ This is exactly how I'd like to see that work as well.

Thinking of that TFA script line where it says Luke doesn't need to ask who she is, that would work if he was shocked because Rey resembled her mother. Tbh though, I'm not sure if that is true of the Jyn actress - some people seem to think so, but I don't really see it...

If it was Jyn though, and she was with a tight-knit group who'd saved her after being assumed dead, it would add weight to an idea that I liked that an outsider persuaded the mother to raise the child away from danger - with Luke failing to sense the shroud around Snoke, much like his forefathers had failed re Palpatine.

The truth about Marti Pellow


Not happening...

Unless Jyn pulled a Captain Phasma!

The truth about Marti Pellow


I'm listening...

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


Someone Luke killed. That would be cool.


Ok, done now!

The truth about Marti Pellow


Ok, not sure if anyone's put this out there as a possibility yet. But ok, say that Rey IS Luke's daughter. Assuming that is correct, it does not necessarily follow that she would know him or he know her. Remember, Vader didn't know about Luke until Empire and Leia til ROTJ. Could be her mother aboard that ship with a surrogate/stepfather type of figure that she believes is her biological father and she never told Luke that she was pregnant. Also, according to various SW Universe sources, canon and otherwise, when a Jedi or Sith construct their lightsabers, there is a type of bond with the crystals that power the lightsaber. This could explain why the lightsaber called to Rey on Takodana, because of her blood relation to the maker of the Anakin Skywalker.


Completely agree that, as per Anakin, there is no reason to discount the possibility that Luke may have been unaware of Rey's existence - In fact, I've said previously that I really like the idea of paralleling the PT's storyline of the Jedi being unable to sense Palpatine. What if the same was true here of Snoke's threat in some way, yet Rey's mother did fear something, and thuCompletely agree that as per Anakin, there is no reason to discount the possibility that Luke may have been unaware of Rey's existence - In fact, I've said previously that I really like the idea of paralleling the PT's storyline of the Jedi being unable to sense Palpatine. What if the same was true here of Snoke's threat in some way, yet Rey's mother did fear something, and thus disappeared before Rey was even born, and (like you said) Luke knew she existed?

Two things we know could fit in with this:-
1. Kylo's "father you never had" comment to Rey re Han. This tells us she grew up without a father figure at all.
2. According to the script, Luke recognises her at the end - could it be she closely resembles the mother who disappeared long ago?
s disappeared before Rey was even born, and (like you said) Luke knew she existed?

The truth about Marti Pellow


What if the same was true here of Snoke's threat in some way, yet Rey's mother did fear something,

If she was Force-sensitive or even a Dark Side user brought to the Light, that could explain at least a few of the questions we all have and if Rey's mother was a former Dark-sider, then that could also explain why she knew about Snoke's threat and others did not.

2. According to the script, Luke recognises her at the end - could it be she closely resembles the mother who disappeared long ago?

Another possibility to fit in with this, is that Luke had a vision of the future with her searching for him, and thus set into motion his disappearance. Why else would he leave a map that leads back to him?

Personally, I think Luke knew something was going to happen that would require him to come back after disappearing for so long.

But as for Rey, my personal opinion is that she is Luke's daughter, known or unknown. I think that even though Disney has pushed all the novels taking place after ROTJ into an EU, they may have, in order to placate the more die-hard fans who liked the Solo siblings and Luke's son, try to create a parallel story. IE, instead of Han's twins facing off against each other, Han's son and Luke's daughter must face each other.
