MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > leia died in episode 8...disney isnt swe...

leia died in episode 8...disney isnt sweating it...look at statements

disney isn't doing what universal done

when paul walker died universal said the following

"we have enough material to conclude pauls story"

disney on the other hand is like

"calm down, we arent gonna make a CGI creation"

she died in episode 8 and disney isnt worried about episode 8 or 9 because her character is dead


Because their scripts are already full of plot holes and inconsistencies, there is no problem writing off a character.


Actually, you're totally wrong. Leia survives Episode VIII, even though she is incapacitated for much of it. If has been confirmed in statements that she is/was due to appear in IX


according to rumors

not confirmed


Rumors that are false


Just like the rumours I made up about Rogue One a year ahead of release that all proved to be true.

Leia survives Episode VIII as it stands, after using the force to survive an attack early on. She is absent for most of the movie.

You'll see.

"Never underestimate the power of denial."
American Beauty


Pretty sure those early rumours are true and she dies in Episode VIII.

"Fear What You Will Become And Become What You Fear"


They have to kill her character off in Ep 8. There's no other solution


Exactly, and it won't be an accident either. The evil represented by the dark side villain that's responsible will be ratcheted up even more than was originally planned this early on.


Besides they already did it once and people didn't like it.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


I guess Leia dying is inevitable at this point. Maybe they could've killed her off in The Force Awakens.

Angus Young is a Brony
