11 months left, still no subtitle.



It's a secret.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Because they want to keep it a secret, for some stupid reason.

| The Five-Star Man || The Golden God |


I'm not sure about Episode I in 1998, but I know that it wasn't until July of 2001, and July of 2004 that the titles were revealed for episodes II, and III. Which was 10 months prior. I think it seems way closer to us because we are technically in the same year now as the movies release, but back then it seemed a bit different because of it's May release.

One of the reasons I think it was delayed longer than TFA is because Disney wanted Rogue One to shine. Maybe they were possibly going to release the title shortly after Rogue One, but found it to be disrespectful due to Carrie's death.


Thats what im thinking.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Actually I hear the title was planned to be released until spring.

So what else is new?


Star Wars Episode VIII: The Jar Jar Awakens


They probably have more than one title in consideration and don't want to be in the same situation that they were in back in 1982 with "Revenge of the Jedi".
