So, if no CGI Leia...

Then at least they should finish her story in this movie, because if they just write off Leia in the opening crawl of episode 9 like "oooops Leia died offscreen" that would be disrespectful to the iconic character and the artist.


Calling it

Leia died in episode 8 and that is why no one wants CGI



Calling it same - Leia died in episode 8 and that is why no one wants CGI

Imagine reports of Leia having a more expanded role and the actress insurance is a mixture of truth and disinformation.

If Leia does'nt die in EP VIII (8) than I imagine she will be written out, if she does die in this movie then she doesnt' return for the next one.

Lucasfilm "obviously" doesn't want to give away any major 'spoiler" of the film's story or character fate out come.

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


Nah, Disney already stated Leia's role in 9 was supposed to be even bigger than part 8. So, it seems they're choosing to do some shuffling around of things. But since they know how rabid obsessed people are with Star Wars, I have full confidence they'll make the best decision possible in the wake of this sad, tragic situation.


Unfortunately they're in kind of no-win situation with this. Since Disney has said they won't CGI Carrie Fisher for Ep. IX that leaves two major possibilities in my mind.

1) She dies in Ep. VIII. On paper this makes sense, but it's been said this was not the plan and she was supposed to have a bigger role in Ep. IX. So this would require story reworking and reshoots and be difficult to make it feel natural rather than shoe-horned in.

2) She dies between films. While this might be underwhelming for some, I think it's the most respectful option if they give the even proper weight, like say actually opening the film with her funeral. Just having it be part of the crawl and nothing else wouldn't be enough.
