MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Three options for Leia, and why re-casti...

Three options for Leia, and why re-casting is the best one

(Note: This post assumes there weren't already plans to kill off the Leia character in episode VIII.)

Option 1: Write the character out of the story, either by killing her off, or by reducing her character and moving her off-screen.

The problem with this option, if reports are to be believed, is that they already planned a big story arc for Leia through Episode IX, and this would necessitate massive rewrites that would likely hamper the story, and result in a lesser overall experience for the trilogy.

Option 2: Make Leia into a CGI character.

The problem here is that the CGI characters in Rogue One have garnered mixed reactions from fans, with many feeling that the characters failed to successfully cross the "uncanny valley". Anyhow Lucasfilm appears to have nixed this idea, releasing a statement that they have no plans to replace Carrie Fisher with a CGI representation.

Option 3: Recast the character, allowing another actress to play Leia in Episode IX.

I know many fans do not want to see another actress play Leia, but this option would allow Lucasfilm to stick with the pre-planned story arc, protecting the integrity of the original plans for the trilogy while avoiding either uncanny CGI, a dubious off-screen death, or a situation where we only hear Leia's voice (either through cleverly edited audio samples or a sound-alike voice actor) off-screen, e.g. over a radio.

Not only do I think this option is the best of the three, but if certain reports are true there is actually a good possibility that Lucasfilm is seriously considering this as an option going forward. There was a report that Lucasfilm was talking to the family of Carrie Fisher concerning her role in a future film (presumably Episode IX). With Lucasfilm announcing that there are no plans for a CGI Leia, this could mean they were asking for permission to recast the roll in hopes of avoiding any hard feelings with the family if they (i.e. Lucasfilm) should do so.


I just can't look at another actress and say "yea that's Leia". This isn't Marvels Iron Man where they recast the black dude after like one film. This is Star Wars. Could you look at another actor playing Han Solo and think "that's Han Solo"?



No I couldn't look at another actor and see Han Solo, which is why the short guy is unlikely to do it for me, but having said that, I'd still go and watch it!


You are correct in the sense that those are probably the only 3 options they have.

They have arguably the toughest decision to make for a Blockbuster movie ever to my knowledge. Whatever decision they make they are GUARANTEED TO UPSET MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.

All I will say is..IMO. THEY CANNOT RE-CAST an Iconic Pop Culture ICON like Carrie Fisher's Leia. I just cant accept it.

Good luck to em.


Option 1: Write the character out of the story, either by killing her off, or by reducing her character and moving her off-screen.

The problem with this option, if reports are to be believed, is that they already planned a big story arc for Leia through Episode IX, and this would necessitate massive rewrites that would likely hamper the story, and result in a lesser overall experience for the trilogy.

Scripts get rewritten all the time. George Lucas changed his mind while making the original Star Wars trilogy. He came up with the idea that Darth Vader was Luke's father while re-writing the script for The Empire Strikes Back. Luke's long lost sister was originally going to be a new character instead of Leia. Return of the Jedi ended up condensing ideas that were being considered for multiple sequels.

The Force Awakens underwent massive rewrites, and frankly it shows. George Lucas submitted a plot outline, but it was rejected. Michael Arndt worked on a screenplay, but J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan ended up replacing it with a different story. Abrams and Kasdan copied much of the plot for The Force Awakens from A New Hope, along with a bit from The Empire Strikes Back and the expanded universe. Rian Johnson said he was given a lot of freedom when writing the screenplay for Episode VIII, which suggests that Abrams and Kasdan didn't leave him a clear outline to follow for the sequels. Since the public doesn't know what the plots of Episodes VIII and IX will be yet, it gives the filmmakers freedom to make changes.

Depending on what footage the filmmakers have to work with, writing Leia out of the story by having her die may be the best option. Episode IX could then deal with how Leia's death affects the Resistance, her brother, and her son.


Rian Johnson said he was given a lot of freedom when writing the screenplay for Episode VIII, which suggests that Abrams and Kasdan didn't leave him a clear outline to follow for the sequels.
Supposedly that they (or Kennedy) neglected him as well, since he wound up originally writing an Episode VIII script to similar to that of the Episode VII script, and he had to rewrite it to better represent continuation. Supposedly it was rewritten again to afford more focus upon surviving protagonists, as in Rey, Kylo, Finn and Poe, rather than being all about even newer characters. I don't know. The truth never seems to come out until after the fact.


A forth option would be keep Leia alive but take the focus off her. Luke's role is beefed up in SW9 replacing what Leia was originally supposed to do like redemption or forgiveness for Kylo. A very brief Leia appearance at the end of the movie with a long distance shot or previously shot footage. Killing off her character just makes the movie too dark for me unless they're going to resurrect Han.


I'd much rather see Leia played by another actress than lose the character and kill her prematurely. It will become known that Leia was never going to be killed in this trilogy, not even at the end of Episode IX. I would much rather see that play out.

"Never underestimate the power of denial."
American Beauty


Re-casting really is a viable option.

Consider another character which has been played by multiple actors: Darth Vader!

What needs to happen is that Leia is horribly disfigured in some way while evolving into the series' villain, just like her dear old dad. She could then easily be played by a different actor without it being all hokey and everything. This also solves the problem of Kylo Ren and Snoke being boring, dumb villains.

She will be called Darth Leia, and will be the best thing ever.


Option 1 for sure. CGI would be jarring. Recast is a bad idea, because you risk too much and the character is too old to make it worth it, Why recast her for 1 movie? I'm sure we will get more Leia when they do a show that takes place between Jedi and the force awakens.


I think a recast may be the best option.

I know people will probably get emotional and go bananas, but i think i would prefer the intended story rather having it rewritten or altered because of events that happened in the real world.

i actually think Cherry Jones could pull off Leias character.
