Thoughts on Anakin/Vader and Kylo/Ben

I'd like to offer some thoughts that I've been having on Anakin recently. Running with those thoughts will require supposition, but I find them interesting anyway.

In Episode I, we see Qui-Gon Jinn being told that Anakin had no father, that Shmi carried him, gave birth, and raised Anakin herself. Implication, that Anakin was conceived by the Force.

In Episode III, Palpatine tells Anakin the tragic tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise. According to the legend, Plagueis could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life. He says Darth Plagueis taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Later still, Palpatine tells Anakin that his mentor taught him everything about the Force. Even the nature of the Dark Side.

Implication: Darth Plagueis was the Master of Palpatine/Darth Sidious, and Palpatine knew everything his Master knew.

Going back to the revelation that Anakin had "no father" I find it safe to suppose for interest's sake that Palpatine "fathered" Anakin by using the Force to influence the midichlorians to create him.

If this is run with, then from a certain point of view, Anakin/Vader did indeed kill "his father". Yet in the end he found redemption through the love he felt for his son.

My thought comes therefore, that if Anakin did indeed kill "his father" and yet found redemption in the end, then I offer that it is not unreasonable to hope and to suppose that indeed Kylo Ren/Ben (Skywalker) Solo can do the same. In fact, since Anakin did that very thing, I will go farther and say that it is unfair to say that Kylo Ren cannot be redeemed because of that moment on the bridge. A moment that I do not believe cemented his journey to the Dark Side at all. He would not have grieved his father's death if he were truly "gone" by then to the Dark Side. He would have felt free, happier to be free of conflict, and stronger. Instead, he feels weaker and is grieved.


all the times i felt insecure


I'm surprised Anakin's father was never touched upon.

Steve Harris of Iron Maiden is a Brony


I will go farther and say that it is unfair to say that Kylo Ren cannot be redeemed because of that moment on the bridge.
I'm not sure the question is so much about whether he could be redeemed but whether he should be.


If Anakin can be redeemed, so can Ben.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.
