Force Ghosts of OB1, Yoda and Anakin...

Rey will ask Luke to train her. He will say 'no' because of what happened to Kylo. Luke will go off to a corner of the island and consult the Force ghosts of Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin. They will tell him to stop feeling guilty, get off his rear end and get in the fight.

They will have to use a CGI Alec Guinness of course, as well as a CGI Sebastian Shaw. If they even dare bring back Hayden, I'm out. Yoda will be a puppet, as evidenced by the story of them building the Ach-to sets off the ground to allow for puppeteers below (like they built the Dagobah sets back in the day)


Has to be Hayden. If your out I'm pretty sure Disney won't miss your money.


Has to be Sebastian. Well whoopdeedo!


I would like to see Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda in this film.

Steve Harris of Iron Maiden is a Brony


It's unlikely that ghosts will appear in the sequel trilogy.


Of course they will appear. Why would Force ghosts appear in Empire and ROTJ and then never appear again? Makes no sense. Did Yoda, OB1 and Anakin all of a sudden forget how to Force ghost? They'll be Force ghosts in both 8 and 9...guaranteed.


Why would Force ghosts appear in Empire and ROTJ and then never appear again?
Only Luke can see them, and the sequel trilogy is not about Luke. Besides, ghost stories are banned in China, whilst Lucasfilm wants as many people around the world to see this film as possible.

They'll be Force ghosts in both 8 and 9...guaranteed.
It's not guaranteed at all. Lucasfilm has made no such guarantee. And your guarantee isn't worth a sinner's ticket to heaven.


Ahh, poor guy, I got him all riled up.

The OT has already been on the TV in China, ghosts and all.

Sets built for Ep. 8 include raised platforms to allow for Yoda puppeteers underneath. Therefore, we know Ghost Yoda is in the movie.

That's called a guarantee. What other nuggets of wisdom you got? I'll wait patiently.


Part of the deal with Lucas selling to Disney was that Lucasfilm/Disney has to consider the latest versions of the movies (the Blu-rays) as the official canon version, so they would use Hayden as the Anakin ghost if they were to use the ghosts at all. And after Rogue One, the expense and moral questions they asked themselves during production, it's doubtful they will repeat it with a CGI Guinness.


That won't stop Disney.


Disney has nothing to do with it. They only handle the business side, budgets, scheduling, marketing, distribution, etc. Lucasfilm handles the content, it's their movies.


I hope to see Obiwan at least.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Hey man, Hayden Christiansen has a family to feed. Have a heart and show some compassion.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
