The Last Jedi

Does this mean Rey is not a Jedi? Or does it mean they're going to kill off Luke, and Rey will be the last one?


it means Rey is not a Jedi yet. there is always some trial before becoming a Jedi. Luke had to face Vader.


She has obviously already had some sort of training or connection with the Jedi that we don't know much about yet.




She has obviously already had some sort of training or connection with the Jedi that we don't know much about yet.
Why would you say it's obvious? There's nothing conclusive so far on this matter.

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


The flashback when she touched the lightsaber.


It wasn't all a flashback, it was a vision. So, it's hard to decipher what parts of the vision are actually flashbacks.

In any case, the vision does not show her having been trained. It gave me the impression that she was born on Jakku and abandoned there by her parents.

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


Luke is The Last Jedi. Rey is strong with the Force. Should be interesting who her parents are revealed to be. I still think Luke is her father. BUT. Laura Dern and Benicio del Torres are new characters so they could logically be the parents. That would be my second guess.

I find your lack of foreskin disturbing


OR Luke dies and Rey becomes "The Last Jedi"


Luke is the sub-title character... Rey is not officially a Jedi since it looks as if she's gonna be trained.
