MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > So is the New Republic completely destro...

So is the New Republic completely destroyed?

Considering they only destroyed there capital Hosnian Prime and a few of the core planets around it you'd think the New Republic would be more streched out through the galaxy I know they aren't as big military wise like the Old Republic but they still at least had a fleet?


No. It's not completely destroyed.

Considering they only destroyed there capital Hosnian Prime and a few of the core planets around it you'd think the New Republic would be more stretched out through the galaxy I know they aren't as big military wise like the Old Republic but they still at least had a fleet?
Well, the Republic's regular navy was supposedly destroyed with Hosnian Prime. What's left of the Republic are the allied constituent star systems and their individual military organizations.



The fleet was destroyed but not the individual military of each world

The problem with starkiller base was that it needed to be continually existing for it to be effective at ruling the galaxy


Some people will insist that it wasn't (and realistically, it wouldn't be), but I'm not sure what will be the case once Episode VIII starts.

According to Hux, the act of destroying the Republic's Senate and Starfleet would be the effective END of the Republic. Will Leia try to salvage what's left of the government that they fought for in the OT, or will the heroes try to establish something else? We don't know that yet.

| The Five-Star Man || The Golden God |


Hux probably didn't expect to lose Starkiller base.
With his weapon destroyed, even the crippled New Republic could either rise again and/or receive a lot of sympathy and support, exactly like Alderaan did for the Rebellion.


While not technically destroyed it effectively is destroyed. Their main fleet and their leadership was wiped out in a single attack. Obviously there could be some ships and leaders that weren't there when it happened but they are certainly in a tight spot.

Think of it like this, if Washington DC were blown up and our navy and air force were also wiped out, would the US be destroyed? No, we wouldn't be but we would effectively be destroyed.


it sounds like Hosnian Prime was where the senate was. if the Senate was in session, then the Republic is pretty crippled, but not completely destroyed.


Well its like this... if you were to destroy Washington DC you might kill the president, but the vice president is usually elsewhere just in case.

But if you were to kill the president AND the vice AND the secretary of state AND all the other important Washington DC people you would still have the Governors of each state they most likely would still follow the previous structure until new leaders were elected.

There MIGHT be some chaos for a little while, but for the most part everyone would try to stay as close as possible to whats been previously established.

The only difference here is that these are different planets and not just states of one country so who knows what will happen, but I would imagine that they way to hold off the chaos would be to maintain the previously established form of government.

p.s. Is your chosen forum name really masterc v nt? wow.
