i hate to say it but...

I cried like a baby. Gosh I'm such a sap lol the scene where Avery was watching herself in action bullying Jessica and then Jessica in the operating room, the doctor checking for her pulse UGH I wasn't like sobbing but tears were spilling. So powerful, to see two parents in agony, listening for that "clear" from the doctor to let them know she won't die but instead constantly hearing "no pulse" over and over. Smh and then Avery though a complete jerk throughout the whole film, seeing her true colors and wanting the video to just end, 6 months of torturing her ex best friend and KNOWING she caused this ugh why why WHY lol

this movie was great the only thing I wish is that we got more bullying video footage. Pretty much all of the bullying is in the trailer and if anyone is like me the most entertaining parts of these type of movies are the bullying scenes. That's why I love odd girl out so much, I want to see more bullying but overall this film was great.

Everyone played their parts almost perfectly, I expected nothing les from Jimmy Bennett, been following his career since he was a little boy and he's underrated to me. Girl who played Avery played her part almost like she's been in her shoes lol that scene with her and her brother, her with the principal, and then in the diner, she was so messy, made Regina George look like a saint haha parents were good too. Jessica took me minute to enjoy as an actress until that scene in the hallway with her breaking down and Brian holding her. Also in the beginning she was good. Everyone did their thing. Good job guys!!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you crying while watching this film I'm 40 I was tearing up and very pissed at Avery


Middle-aged and cried too...
