I like Rhea but...

I won't watch because I can't stand Kirstie Alley & Michael Richards. Both should permanently retire from showbiz.

TV Land really should have just given Rhea Perlman her own show instead.

THAT, I would have happily tuned into...and even more so if Danny DeVito costarred with her in it.


I totally agree with you. Rhea is a comedic genius and is being completely under used in this show.


Maybe after Kirstie flops one of the big networks can snag Rhea for her own comedy show. She's got so much more widespread appeal over Alley & Richards.


Lest you forget, or probably you didn't watch it like everyone else, Rhea HAD her own sitcom in 1996 called "Pearl", and it TANKED.


I too, like Rhea, and I do like Kirstie, but I tried watching the premiere of this show, and it just fell so flat for me. I have no idea who Michael Richards is, so the commercials making a big deal of him made no sense to me. I didn't find much of anything funny in this show.

I agree that Rhea should have been given her own show, and yes, it would be awesome if Danny Devito was in the show too. They are two very brilliantly funny people.

I am very surprised that this show has five and a half stars.


I think it's funny that you have no idea who Michael Richards is, considering he was one of the main cast in one of the most successful, longest running American sitcoms in history.


Just thought I'd chip in with a little support for Kirstie Alley as a comedic actress -- because I think she's very funny and enjoyable on the screen! I don't agree that she shouldn't have her own show, and I disagree that this show isn't good -- because it is.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


rhea is now on star wars the bad batch
