Series Finale

I just saw a bumper saying the season finale is the series finale. That sucks, but everything comes to an end. I just wish I knew about it, it came out of nowhere for me. Atlas it's ending on Marc's terms, and on a high note. This season has been great. I'm glad it's ending now, and not when they're scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep the sjownalive, like so many shows do. /endramble


Also, sorry for my poor grammar and typo's. I wrote this as a stream of concious, and didn't proof read. Oops!


Lol! When you view your own posts, just look for the clickable "edit" in the top right corner.

Courtesy tip from a fellow fan of Maron.

May you receive all that Karma has to offer.


Thanks! Unfortunately I don't have that tab. I'm on a smartphone, and it seems they left out a button you'd think would be top priority ha


I've been there. You would think adding an edit function to the mobile site and/or app would be simple.

Movies I've Seen:


This was always a low-budget comedy series with some genuine pathos that got more interesting as it went along. Marc Maron's performance as a less-functional version of himself and Dave Anthony's presence and takeover as head writer were problematic throughout, but I'm so pleased that its final two episodes were so different in quality. The high stakes of taking the show across the finish line inspired everyone, including Marc Maron, to turn in genuinely deep and vulnerable work. I'm in the camp that's glad Marc Maron ended the series at four seasons. It's some kind of miracle of counter-trending that he made an okay/good show with a terrific final scene before the air was sucked out of the material. We're good.


I'm sad to see this show go, but I'll end up watching it more than once on Netflix. It was a genuinely funny show. I love Maron's sense of humor.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


I too loved the first two seasons,was disappointed by the third(bedding college girls;etc.) and worried it would become the kind of show we see too much of.Therefore I was genuinely surprised and in turn enjoyed the entire arc of the fourth season and while the decision to end it was Maron's it was spot on.In addition the entire Jonathan joke and rants about authors was quite funny(although Lethem's Fortress of Solitude is a great read) and the casting/acting of the bookstore duo and in particular the child's mother especially strong.


I enjoyed Maron - not the greatest show ever but it was enough to get me to tune in once a week and that's saying a lot being I'm down to about 2 or 3 shows that I actually look forward to on a week-to-week basis. Sorry to see it end; but the timing was right. There wasn't really anywhere else to go with the show except the land of recycled sit-com story lines now that he's (probably) truly recovering and has a kid in his life.

Frankly, I'm amazed Marc Maron was able to produce two high quality podcasts a week, 52 weeks a year and star and do some writing and directing on his own TV show for 4 seasons - must have been exhausting.
