B movie Greatness!

This is a prime example of what Asylum does best! Make terrible
(but very entertaining) movies!


Yeah. I enjoyed it immensely! Treat Williams is an underutilized actor.

Narrator: Modern speech had degrated down to a mixture of slang, hillbilly, and grunts. - Idiocracy


I enjoyed it as well. Treat Williams is a good actor.


I kept getting distracted by the fact that pretty much everybody died as a result of the father/daughter. The worst was that pilot at the end who went so far as to try and save the daughter. His reward? The dad doesn't even check if he's alive before sticking a pteradon in the helicopter and sending it plunging. He probably just killed a man.


That was my thought too - what about the pilot? They probably filmed something showing him checking on the pilot, or the pilot falling out of the copter (I don't remember seeing a body in there), but cut it.

The other piece of ridiculousness is when the woman journalist was telling the news copter pilot to get in closer, and seemingly against his better judgment, did so, and BOOM no more news copter. Dumb, dumb, dumb...


That had me in tears of laughter when the reporter did that. Right after the new helo crash the fat guy running with the daughter almost made shoot water out of my nose(My biotech stocks just went down 30% then chomp)


It was real good and asylum has some *beep* movies like real boring nothing happens, but this one ruled any others like it? Some said killer mountain was good I thought it sucked'
