MovieChat Forums > One Direction: This Is Us (2013) Discussion > Awful pre fab band created by media pupp...

Awful pre fab band created by media puppeteers continue to scam....

Talentless band make it big after getting voted in by the moronic general public on a show representing the modern equivalent to the Victorian freak show. These nancy boys set a terrible precedent to the youth glamorising shallowness, breaking up marriage through public sex scandals and being general tits.

They'll be yesterdays newspapers in a year or two like the rest of the trash them immoral shows churn out, Hows Susan Boyle doing these days? no one cares she had her limelight like the rest now they're all but forgotten.

To the morons saying they'll be bigger than the beatles what a laugh! Fair enough the beatles were pretty much prefabricated too but at least Harrison and Lennon were very talented, Lennon especially was a genius and a social figure to be properly idolised, who had important things to say relevant to society and making the world a better place, i cant see any of One Direction suddenly shedding their capitalistic aspirations and greed for a campaign to end the war or a peace protest can you?
if so you are:
A: A moron
B: in Denial

One of these days I'm gonna get organezized


they are not even in the same league as other boy bands that made it. they won't be around long.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.


The fact that these five boys were slapped together and marketed through a cheesy TV show makes the genius of what they are even more amusing. Every single factor behind this experiment is prefab manufacturing. Take five moderately good-looking blokes with a bit of charm. Brilliant formula: first, dress them in trendy clothes; second, have them play mainstream generic music that no one will be challenged by; and lastly, sit back and let the brainless masses coming down off their Bieber high do the rest of your job for you.

I find it awesome that they are most likely all five homosexual (not even slightly an insult because I respect and adore the gays), and thetefore not attracted to the very demographic they are geared towards: the teenage girl. No insults intended, but as long as the boys in the band are young, sexy, and seemingly interested in them (Harry Styles refers to his ideal girlfriend as "him" in interviews, and later says, "oh, yeah, mate. I'm straight. Yay, girls"), teenage girls will spend their last dollar so that they can cry over pictures of their idols in the pages of Tiger Beat.

I have nothing against any member of the band. I also have nothing against their music-- don't like it myself, but I've heard worse. I do, however, love the social statement that their fame makes about the state of the music industry.


I'm not a fan, but my 9 year old daughter is and she couldn't care less if they were prefab or grew up together and decided to make a go of it. Their music appeals to all ages, races and both genders. Music appreciation is relative. You can't say it's bad in general...that's just an opinion. This is coming from someone who has thoroughly appreciated many different genres of music and when I was my daughter's age, I loved New Kids on the Block. It doesn't mean I have bad taste in music or that they were any less of a band because they fit into a certain category. Music at its core is for personal enjoyment. No need to over analyze this particular group.


Why are you so concerned with what other people may or may not like? Don't like something? Then don't waste your time with it. Very simple. Now I'm not trying to insinuate that you are the (A) option, but that just seems like a very simple and obvious solution to you disliking One Direction.
