the beatle connection.

i'm not saying these guys are the next beatles but there are similarities and if one direction wants to stay relevant they would have to do something.

the beatles were made by producers (in the beginning) the group originally were a bunch beer drinking, loud mouth, cursing greasers playing in bars in germany. Paul talked about where they burned condoms in their van to stay warm. (awesome)

afterwards a guy came up to them and said "i like your stuff i'd just like to change..oh ...everything"

the difference was that even though they were made to wear suits and write songs about girls and love. "Love me do is not lucy in the sky" they wrote their own stuff. one direction should at least start trying to write their own stuff. start getting more control in their own stuff.

the lack of instruments and harmonies is an issue. the beatles knew harmony vocals. One direction either takes turns with each other or the chorus is more a crowd vocal then a group vocal. even n'sync and backstreet boys knew how to harmonize.

at least one member knows guitar. thats fine. if they other members were assigned instruments. the boy "band" would feel to have at least some staying power. the jonas brothers i give credit for at least playing their instruments but they didn't get out.

drugs and lots of it. i'm not saying that the beatles are better writers because of it nor do i say they should touch the hard stuff but staying in the cutesy picture esque bubble they are in now shouldn't last forever. experience what they can and see different outlooks in life. drugs can do that.

they need to get out. not break up but they need to get control of their image. one direction is the companies' bitch right now. the beatles got out eventually and they dropped the boy band image they stopped touring and focased on different sounds, worked with different producers and found ideas in recording know one thought of.

eventually this will die. if one direction wants to be the beatles like the fans want and judging by the abbey road photo they did, they want to be the beatles too. they should take some steps in what they did and not just the kind of music they made.

"Hating on haters is a form of Hatin!"


I really don't think becoming the next Beatles is the top thing on their bucket list. The Beatles are the measuring stick for boy bands so they want to strive for that standard (based on the praise and adoration The Beatles get, that's damn near impossible).

If One Direction released this in 1963, they would most likely be lauded also, especially because their vocals are better than The Beatles. Besides, I don't think The Beatles should get so much praise for writing their own songs. Back then, several artists didn't write their own material. In 2013, it's really not all that special. And it's really not all that hard to come up with lyrics for a song like "Hello Goodbye."

I got off topic there. But even if One Direction tried their hardest to reach The Beatles' level of influence and impact, critics and the media would most likely jump on them for it. They're in a great place right now. Why jeopardize that by trying to do the impossible?


Did you just say their vocals are better than the Beatles?



One Direction do harmonize... they're really good at it, actually.



If they want to stay relivent they need to sing rock n roll music not kiddy bubble gum pop


Speak for yourself, TrollPwner. And they can sing whatever they want.



If you don't like 1D then why don't you just stop hating and focus on artists you do like? Yes I'm a fan of One Direction and you aren't going to change my mind about them.


Wait, why the *beep* should we laugh at five guys who are way richer and more successful than us? Puppets or not they've pretty much won at life before they've even hit their mid-twenties.





I love One Direction, but they are no The Beatles. The Beatles struggled for years until they found success, wrote most of their own music, and played instruments. One Direction has done/does none of this. They are just 5 moderately talented(Zayn can really sing and I enjoy Harry's raspy voice) guys who were darn lucky to be chosen by Simon Cowell that day. Darn lucky! Sure the 1D boys reportedly have written more of their music as time goes on, but they do it with a team of seasoned, often commercially successful song writers. Because of this, I am skeptical of how much Louis and Liam actually write. Out of 1D only Niall Horan plays an instrument onstage. The others clown around, eat food, "have a wee".... while waiting for their turn to sing. I would expect better showmanship than that for a concert whose tickets cost big bucks.


The Beatles first album was released in 1963. By 1965 they had released- 'Yesterday' and the album- 'Rubber Soul' containg such songs as -'In My Life'- 'Girl' Michelle' 'Drive My Car' 'Nowhere Man'# and 'Norwegian Wood'. If One direction want to be the next Beatles they had better get cracking because their first album was in 2011, so by following the same time frame, they should have released 'Yesterday' and 'Rubber Soul' by LAST YEAR. But, they are nowhere near. So far....
