Just saw the trailer...

...And it looks interesting. I think a potentially good story might be hindered by strick adherence to the "FOUND FOOTAGE" gimmick ... But... I will see it none the less and see if I am right or not. :)


Agreed. I'm going to be cautiously optimistic but I must admit the teaser left me wanting more.


Yea thought the teaser did what it said to do,wonder when we get a full trailer though?


Just saw the trailer... and I feel like I saw the whole movie. Camping in woods, run into aliens during the night. Dad gets killed first, run from the aliens, run from the aliens, find crazy hick and his cabin, aliens attack cabin, daughter gets broken in half, boy with camera gets taken into the sky, camera falls to ground, end.


Haha nailed it. Except you left out the part where they get attacked by birds and run into aliens in a tunnel. And this is based on true events?....Really?


Probably it's based on a true event......and that event was a nightmare or an episode of sleep paralysis that someone felt while sleeping. :)


Based on the trailer, this looks like the biggest piece of cliche *beep* ever made about aliens. Are we so desperate for sci-fi horror that we have to settle for this crap? And more found footage, besides? Pass.


cliche comes from seeing what works and desperation to jump on that bandwagon while trying to play it safe which squeezes much of what could have been original out of the story. The producer wants to be safe. The new filmmaker wants to make a name to stop waiting tables. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


You hit it on the head, Hyper. Obviously, I haven't seen the film, but looks so damn predictable. What will it add to the genre that hasn't been done a million times?

I want a good alien film. I just don't think this is it.


Thanks. I can promise this -- I will most likely see it -- just in case I'm wrong. LOL God knows I've been wrong about being wrong before.


least you admit it Hyperviper12,I will def see this before judging a whole film by a trailer


first 30 seconds is good but later ..........


Doesn't look too bad. I'll give it a watch.

Be the type of person you want to meet


Micah20 yea exactly,so I will watch the whole film when it is out and hopefully it will be alright
