MovieChat Forums > Alien Abduction (2014) Discussion > Soooo, ET came a half billion light year...

Soooo, ET came a half billion light years just to...

Break people in half backwards with a beam, after chasing them for an hour through the woods while blasting them with their super bright Xenon lights and train horns they have installed on their Brodozer pickup truckship? Also, they have all this technology and a couple of panting loud talking women that wave flashlights around and scream all the time - can successfully elude them for just about the whole movie? No infrared? No hearbeat detector? No sensitive listening devices? We have all that stuff now, here in this world. It doesn't exist on other planets?


Did you see how fast they got from the ground to like 100 thousand feet in the air? A matter of seconds. So to say they've come ALL this way... It could literally be minutes for them.
And did they come to break backs and beam people up? Yep. That's kind of what Alien Abduction is.
And as far as chasing two women through the woods through the whole movie - did you really believe that the aliens were following JUST the family? No. It was an invasion. They were scanning the whole area and just grabbing people up as they were finding them. They weren't looking for individual people.
And why don't they gave heartbeat detectors on alien planets? Really?! Lol I won't even bother answering that one...


They went to Gallifrey and noticed everyone had two heart beats so their equipment would not work on us.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


It could be minutes, it could not be - just speculation.

Breaking backs with a beam seems rather pointless and is not the definition of Abduction. Look it up.

And as far as chasing two women through the woods through the whole movie - did you really believe that the aliens were following JUST the family? No. It was an invasion. They were scanning the whole area and just grabbing people up as they were finding them.

So now, you want me to think this is a tedious task for them, whereas crossing space is supposed to just take seconds. K.

And why don't they gave heartbeat detectors on alien planets? Really?! Lol I won't even bother answering that one...

No please, bother - because so far you haven't answered anything - you've just been a jackass. People who hunt here know the characteristics of what they hunt and use tools to make it easier. These moronic aliens don't have any cognitive ability.


So now, you want me to think this is a tedious task for them, whereas crossing space is supposed to just take seconds. K.

Wormholes, Magnetic Monopole Rockets, Hawking radiation rockets etc.

There are already many theories developed by physicists for possible future interstellar space travel.

Now imagine the discoveries of a species that has existed 5 or 10x longer than humans and what they could discover and develop. If you understand some of the human theories close to being realized, suddenly it's not so hard to imagine that an advanced species could bounce through the universe very quickly.


Then all the more reason for them to not find two loud women with a flashlight and a kid with a digicam to be so terribly elusive. All the more reason to find breaking people in half backwards to be a worthwhile endeavor.


Looks like some kind of alien fast food franchise collecting illegal meat from the galaxy.

