MovieChat Forums > Alien Abduction (2014) Discussion > Probably the worst portrayal of an autis...

Probably the worst portrayal of an autistic kid ever

Poorly written/researched/acted - haven't they even seen an autistic kid before?

Half Irish, Half German - hated by all. But at least I'm not Welsh


It's just the excuse to why the kid is always filming. Just so no one would ask later on.


There are many levels to Autism. Some are mild and some harsh. I have friends with Autistic children. What exactly did you expect?


What exactly did you expect?

A better portrayal.
And a better movie.


A better portrayal.

In other words, you know nothing about autism as you were unable to give a specific example.


It wasn't worth my time to give examples. It takes about 5 minutes to get on Google, read up on Autism, and then use common sense to determine that the kid's portrayal in the film is inaccurate. Nowhere on IMDb does it say that my posting in the forums requires me to hold everyone's hands...


Now I'm convinced you know nothing about autism. 5 minutes to read up on it? It sounds like you haven't even done that much. Probably wasn't "worth your time" which is fine, but then it shouldn't be worth your time to pretend you know about something that you actually do not.


So when I watch a film, say, a sci-fi b-movie, I need to do hours of research on that type of fictional alien lifeform before I can have a valid opinion on whether or not the actor is giving an accurate portrayal of said alien? Or better yet - and a little closer to the topic at hand - how about Matthew McConaUghey in Dallas Buyers Club? I thought he was fantastic as a man dying of AIDS. It was a touching performance and one that resonated with me. Oh, but I've never met anyone with AIDS (that I know of) and I have certainly not done a whole lot of research on the subject. So I suppose, by your logic, I shouldn't have an opinion on it because I don't have a PhD on the subject. The fact is, I thought the kid in this weak abduction movie was not a good actor and he was very unconvincing at anything other than being an obnoxious twat.
My opinion is that he sucked at playing the part. Deal with it and move on...


The point is that you think "the kid's portrayal in the film is inaccurate". There is no single "accurate" portrayal of autism - it is a condition that exists across a whole spectrum of behaviours. I've taught plenty of autistic children; some of them were nothing like the boy in the film, some of them were exactly like the boy in the film and some were somewhere in between the two.
You think he was a poor actor? Fine; you're entitled to your opinion.
You think it was an "inaccurate portrayal" of how autism might present? Fine; you're wrong.


I'm not wrong at all. Now...if you have any more issues, take it up with the OP.


I'm sorry, but this is ridiculously inane. Using Google to determine whether or not the depiction of Autism was portrayed correctly? Reading about Autism and actually knowing Autistic People are entirely different things. If you're basing your opinion on this portrayal because you read about Autism through Google then your opinion is nothing more than ignorant.


I never once said that I personally learned about autism. Did I? No, I didn't.
Professor, I think you need to go back to school because you obviously don't know how to read.


I agree with you. If it wasn't for a couple of people referring to him as autistic, we wouldn't know he was. I expected some sign that he had that condition, but no, nothing.


It's good that this movie could educate you on what autism really is.


As a parent of a child with high-functioning autism, I would suspect he was without the label. His obsession with the camera (freaking out when someone tries to take it away), social awkwardness, constantly stating memorized facts, showing extreme focus over particular things and the repetition of things like numbers would all give it away. Apparently they had to state his condition for those who think autism is a one-size-fits-all disorder.


You're an idiot who clearly doesn't know or have a kid with aspergers. The portrayal was pretty much spot on. You do not know what you're talking about


It seems like OP did not do any research, there are different stages of autism, what exactly did you expect?
Rain Man


Hmm, nope. It sounds like you need to research autism and realize that it's actually a spectrum. Seeing "an autistic kid" is seeing just that - AN autistic kid. They are not all the same and not all affected to the same level. There are similarities to even have the diagnosis, though - things like obsessions, social awkwardness, and repetition...all of which this character exhibited.


agreed. bad way to show autism. an annoying way. just annoying. when you're in danger, you don't think about the illness, you try to survive. that camera held them back, just to make a movie.


High functioning or not, it was too obvious an excuse to keep a camera rolling.
