MovieChat Forums > Frontera (2014) Discussion > Liberal immigration propaganda

Liberal immigration propaganda

My jaw dropped at how biased this movie is and how totally Democrat/liberal slanted the whole view of immigration is in this country. Most immigrants are a drain and a danger to us; they are not any benefit whatsoever. Unless your a liberal who employs them below minimum wage to do your house work!


Backward thinking bible nut.
People like you is why the world is going to *beep*

I love your wisdom, peace and compassion for all people of this world.
I wonder what Jesus would of said...

You truly have only 1 side of the immigration story if you consider immigrants to be a drain and a danger and no benefit. I mean wtf kind of thinking is this? What type of conditioning have you been through? Too much TV I bet.

All I can do is wish you luck, but honestly there’s no hope for people like you.


"Backward thinking bible nut. "

Yeah the OP is confused. Illegal immigrants are often a drain on our society, that much is true, but this is due in large part to the fact that we allow unscrupulous employers to employ them with low wages and no benefits. Our gov't basically allows them to stay, work illegally, pay very little money in the form of taxes, but still access the benefits of certain gov't progams. Why do we allow this? B/c these illegals drive down labor costs across the board.

Ronald Reagan signed immigration reform (Simpson-Mazzoli Act) that looked good on paper, but for whatever reason it has gone largely unenforced, thereby rendering it null and void. For decades this has enabled company owners to substantially lower their costs and make bank at the expense of legal American laborers, who would of course demand higher pay.

So in short, he's bitching about Democrats but the illegal immigration situation in our country is actually benefiting the typically Republican leaning company and business owners more than anyone else. Nice little ironic twist for the OP to ponder there.


Um. They pay taxes, get no taxes BACK, and do NOT get gov't services.
Drain? Go pick your own fruit!


you are politically retarded.


Why is liberal a term of abuse in the US? Everyone who uses it as such comes across as a pig-ignorant redneck. Don't you care how the rest of the world sees you?

"Make me a baby!
Make me a star!
Leave my coffin slightly ajar!"
- Lesley Gore


In the US "liberal" does not mean liberal, it means Marxist (progressive). Especially since 2009.

Two ½ More Years! Impeach Me! $17½ trillion!


And 'Marxist' means anyone ideologically to the left of Rush Limbaugh.

There were three of us in this marriage


step out of your mom's basement son.



Don't be surprised that the left wing nut jobs in Hollywood always spew liberal beliefs in the their movies. I've gotten used to it.

Don't worry, most libtards that defend illegal immigration will have a change of heart when one of those aliens kills their loved ones. Ask Don Rosenberg.



You must have missed the part where the illegals committed a home invasion robbery. Those darn facts always getting in the way, eh?


Whatever is going on with these people who see one thing and only one thing -- then make up a whole conjecture to support their addled thinking? Just so many blindly-biased people in this country who somehow believe they should 'preach' their view to others . . . even though they can't understand any of the details, and totally ignore all feedback on what they are missing. If it was just a few people . .of course, but a huge proportion of our population can't perceive obvious facts and details. Thanks for trying to apprise this person, though it probably only elevated his bp.

OK, rant over.


So it portrayed all white men as bad, except it didn't?, and the immigrants as of having moral superiority, such as when the woman got raped or blackmailing the family?, I must be missing something or you're seeing things.



I guess you missed the message about justice and compassion while on your rant. You should get out of your bunker more often and learn about the real world. See how real Christians treat those that are different. It's not as bad as Fox News would have you think. You do know how to think?


Thanks for your attempt to introduce rationality to the FOXed. We do have to keep trying to help people think, but I sure am getting tired of their bitterness. When I ask them who hurt them so much, they never answer . . . . certainly wasn't the immigrants!!


You're misinformed and poisoned by hate. Take a look inside yourself and you'll see that you're a drain on the Universe and a danger to decent human beings; you're not any benefit to anyone on the planet. Unless you're God who is the judge of everyone and everything, you should learn to be humble before karma catches you and turns your world upside down.


Agreed. And they can't even give any rational basis for their spewing of hatred. They don't realize that they are lost is their own self-concocted misery. It is sad, but they so desperately want to hurt others, which leads me to feel no sympathy for them.


Most immigrants are a drain and a danger to us; they are not any benefit whatsoever

I counter with this:

Movies I've Seen:


You are claiming to not be an immigrant. How precious. Which tribe do you belong to?

My family fought in the American Revolution to offer new hope for all. We didn't 'close the door behind us' which is what you are advocating. And what GOOD are YOU doing for any of us? LOL . . . .
