MovieChat Forums > The Red Road (2014) Discussion > Anything the fans can do to revive The R...

Anything the fans can do to revive The Red Road?

Is there anything us as fans can do to revive The Red Road? It's too bad the show was cancelled because it the show was slowly getting better at season 2 especially.The writing especially was taking steps in the right direction its a big improvement over the sloppy writing in season 1.


I am so disappointed! I wish Netflix would pick it up!


Let's face it- Sundance did a crap job in promoting this show.

There is so much competition out there, with these type series, that this show got lost in the crowd. Which is shame actually, since it is pretty well done show. Something a bit different and original, which is rare these days.


We are viewers from outside the US and view it on our local cable so obviously the show has been sold around the globe.

It is an excellent show, well written and performed. It is a show for adults so presumably that's why it wasn't successful in the US. There is just so much rubbish on TV today and it is a pleasure to find something which tells an interesting story in a realistic manner.

If anyone can advise as to how we can ensure another season, please post!


Right, I never heard of the show until it popped up on Netflix. The show is a perfect Netflix takeover candidate.


A sig is like the turd that won't flush.


Start a petition for netflix or amazon to pick it up. Both networks are developing some great shows. They might. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them did.


Someone started a petition to SundanceTV but I think they should be petitioning Netflix which often picks up popular shows cancelled idiotically by the networks...


Everyone binge watch it on Netflix and maybe they will pick it up like they did with Longmire.


~ That's not a bad idea I hope it works.👍 Well just in case I will watch it way too often.📺


De aquel amor
de musica ligera
nada nos libra
nada mas queda

- Soda Stereo 🎤

Descanse en paz Gustavo Cerati


Too late! Jason will be in a new Netflix adventure series called "Frontier."
The show should be out later this year.


Just found out the other day the Netflix picked it up. I'm already up to season two! This was such a good show. It's a shame that they canceled it but it's understandable because they never really did any promotion for it. This show was refreshing and different from anything else that I'm watching currently on TV right now.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Look at me. Without a gun I look like a teacher's assistant!


Yes, you can sign this petition at

At the moment (2:55pm Central Time on 02/17/16) is having server problems and the site is down. Please keep trying to reach the page and sign the petition. Also, share the petition with as many people as possible on all your social media. If enough people sign, we may have a shot at getting the show renewed.

Also, search Facebook for The Red Road Fandom. It's a private group, but you can ask to join. The lady running that group is the same lady who started the petition. Please feel free to start your own petition to Netflix if you like. The more voices crying for The Red Road, the better! :)


I want a third season - I really want it!


It really is a shame this show was cancelled. Loved it.
