What were those pills?

Boyfriend and I could only think of morphine although thats usually administered through an IV. Anybody have any ideas? I'm sure there are some doctors somewhere on here.


my guess is excstasy , cus they went off dancing and partying lol, not sure what else it could be


Ambulances don't carry ecstasy...


Morphine is administered via oral liquid or tablets as well, not capsules. I'm aiming for it being a fake drug because 1)I highly doubt ambulances carry an ENTIRE bottle of narcotics, 2) Capsules take time to dissolve in order to work which would be pointless in an ambulance, and 3) Morphine is a pain medication, the effects presented in the film are a stimulant. The pill itself looks like Depakote Sprinkles aka Divalproex Sodium which is a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder. Proof: I work for a Pharmacy
