MovieChat Forums > Best Night Ever (2013) Discussion > Is it usually guys that hate this movie?

Is it usually guys that hate this movie?

I didn't like this movie at first, but I always finish what I start. It turns out I like it. I never saw something like it. I thought it had it's own style.

So anyways, I can't help, but think that MAYBE if the girls were replaced by guys this movie wouldn't get as much hate. possibly play on comedy central, and be listed on a top 20's list or a following.I wish there were more movies in which a bunch of girls have crazy misadventures, and absent of jealousy, evil glares, cat fights, and backstabbing. Anyways. . .

if you are a guy that liked this movie can you let me know? I'm kinda wondering.

I just think it's kinda weird to like the Hangover or Project X, but then hate this movie.


I thought the movie was hilarious. My first thought when I saw the rating was that guys dislike it because it's a female cast.


Well speaking as a dude.. wait.. hold on let me check... Yup, speaking as a dude I can honestly say without cynicism or any biased opinions about who made the movie... This was a god awful pile of *beep* I watched it in it's entirety and not even a chuckle and it has 100% nothing to do with the fact it's a female cast. It does however have 100% to do with the fact it's just a plain ol' *beep* movie.



This is so asanine. Best Night Ever is hated because it's a terrible terrible film and it deserves the hate. Look at Bridesmaids, a fantastic and funny film with a female cast and it works because of the great casting choices and good script. BNE is *beep* because the actresses are *beep* the story and script are *beep* and the direction was *beep* It can in no wa be excuses for having an all female cast, nor can you atribute the poor reception to that.
