MovieChat Forums > The Crash Reel (2013) Discussion > magnificent on myriad levels

magnificent on myriad levels

WELL just copying my response (in another thread) to someone who perhaps wasn't the fan I was so that IF I could get anyone (perhaps on the fence) who hasn't yet decided to commit, to TUNE IN & do so.
...maybe even mandatory viewing for those embarking (or considering embarking) on risky sports--it certainly couldn't HURT, it provides tremendous food for thought.

why all the drama?
Can't believe you watched & had to ask.
How sad that is.

The family handled this with astounding & profound grace.
They should live on as examples of what we strive to do in our most challenging family moments.
I only wish I could behave with a fraction of their intelligence in such circumstance.

Certainly they can't TELL him what to do & that has to be immensely hard to bear.
They love him. Clearly & abundantly.
There's so much unadulterated love, care & tenderness in this family, I almost exploded (and wanted to adopt them as my own). Moving beyond belief.
I felt every moment of their pain, frustration & anguish.

Yet I also got Kevin & could see what sort of person he was that propelled him to such stature to begin with (as of course your "average, normal" person not only avoids such risk, they also can't identify with those who assume it to begin with, much less seek it out).
This is a human interest story at its core really.

People in their essence are complicated beings.
What motivates us all & provides our greatest sense of joy & purpose differs among us all. He had this.
I understand that completely, as hard as it is to accept (as I have my & biking obsessions & if someone took away these--tore them, either my body or some other means--- I would be beyond sad & having to find a life I don't know yet). And mind you, I get how ridiculous that IS...and I play recreationally only. Still it's part & parcel of my daily life.
My point is, you can list ANY passion here, but what makes one tick is insanely important to that person. Now multiply that by a million & you get THESE athletes. I can't begin to fathom the amount of effort & training they have to maintain to become the giants & legends they are. Only they can.
So I dunno...I GET Kevin & his family in equal measure.

And just me of course, but I took many messages from this film (even watched all the extras).

First it serves as an immensely informative work about TBI (traumatic brain injury) from a personal perspective & not just some brief "news clip" about concussions & football players.
I came away with a new profound sensibility, compassion & understanding. Learned something (the best possible way I could). And that is testament to the film.

Secondly, if you miss how "love transcends" or the profound nature of love, caring & its effect on us as human beings (the MOST important thing we are here to recognize in our lives), well, also too bad. It's not preachy, heavy-handed or maybe even its objective, it just IS. So that is magical.

Thirdly is the triumph of the spirit & recovery. Not everyone lived to tell their stories (as they highlight others tragic misfortune), Kevin did.
So from that, I learn a thing or two about perseverance, tolerance & kindness. We can't all know what others have gone through or their personal struggles---we only KNOW that which they allow us to---however, what we CAN do is try to be patient, understanding & exercise our humanity & care for everyone we come into contact with.
And honestly that is just the TIP of what I took from this film. I think there's much more to be plumbed but you gotta be receptive to it (and maybe it's not for everyone to be out their mining for the inner workings).
