Digger, please!

These are two of the funniest diggers on TV. These diggers are crazy, man. Their exuberance over finding an old button that is worth three cents is hilarious.

"I've got roundness!"

Digger, please!



My digger!


Those are a couple of crazy diggers.


They use the "d" word a lot on this show.


These are two of the funniest diggers on TV. These diggers are crazy, man. Their exuberance over finding an old button that is worth three cents is hilarious.

I wasn't aware there was other diggers on tv lol. But then again you used to not see diggers on tv at all. And when they find a button worth 5 cents, it's almost like you can hear them say "we have money, we can eat tonight!" Is why they are so excited.
