Song request

What's the song that plays as soon as the credits start and throughout? It was also in the feature itself - thanks!

JAWS - best film ever made.


Is it "Damien Jurado - Let Us All In" the thing you are looking for?

I'm searching for the song, that is at the end of movie, right AFTER "Damien Jurado - Let Us All In" ends, and main cast names are displayed and that track is running in background during bloopers at the end. I found and listened to almost all tracks ( that are listed, but I did not manage to find this one.

EDIT: If found in another thread ( #236164449), that it could be "Mike Simonetti - The Magican" and when I listen carefully it is only up to bloopers section, about 1 minute. After that, there is another track that lasts 1 minute, and another track, that lasts 1 minute. After that, there are more cuts, and they sound like the same tracks, but cut in 10 to 40 second intervals.


It's this song from these bloopers:

JAWS - best film ever made.
