Dear SyFy Channel

I hate you and I hate your movies. But not this one, it was so uninspired, so unoriginal, so lifeless, and so pathetic that turned I it off after a half hour. It's just not worth the effort to hate. It just doesn't get worse than that.

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Don't be moronic! There are different kind of movie styles. SyFy specialize a specific style. Grow up, kthxbai.


It's just not worth the effort to hate.

You do seem to put quite a bit of effort into hating them, though.


I do at that Tepista. So when I can't even work up a good solid rage at one, that's bad.

Check out SyFyChannelSucks at Yahoo Groups


I hear SyFy are making Dildados


If you hate SyFy and their movies so much, why do you keep watching them?


Because I love science fiction. It gives me hope. Back growing up literature (especially science fiction) is what kept me away from drugs and alcohol. The great science fictions writers created these masterpieces of beauty and the SyFy Channel makes Stonados.

Check out SyFyChannelSucks at Yahoo Groups
