Very impressed

I had little expectations since these types of "knight/Viking" axtions films are cheese. But this one? Was pretty dam good man. I liked the pace and the action. Suprised no boobs but that's okay. I hope they make more cause I'd watch them. Budget on this was up there. Good movie.


Completely agree, a really cool movie. The ending could have not been better and that twist in the middle. Oldschool style revenge stuff with a lot of really cool scenes :)


I liked it very much too but many people are used to a car transforming to a robot, and saving the day, I am not saying it's bad itself but there isn't much room for slow paced movies, though I appreciate the climax generated by good story. It wasn't even a really good story but at least it was well performed, great acting, neat direction, astonishing backgrounds and landspaces. Nice combo works for me.


I liked it too - a lot. Just watching the credits now.

This was the perfect role for Clive Owen. Anyone remember him as "The Driver" in the BMW commercial shorts series The Hire back in the day? (like 2000 or 2001-ish?)


Opinions and all. Morgan Freeman was good, but his character wasn't well written at all. I prefer the other 47 Ronin remake - the one with Keanu wasn't all that great either, with all the supernatural, etc, but this... This was rather cringeworthy throughout. I especially didn't appreciate the attempt at the twist on such an old story. 30 minutes of waiting for things to happen is way too much.


azrael-valedhel I can't think of one cringe worthy moment. The acting was solid. I really don't know what movie you were watching.


the dialogue for the whole movie was cringe worthy. What movie were you watching?


I agree, I actually had low expectations, even though I like Clive Owen and of course Morgan Freeman, but I thought it was a good film.

I don't know what film the critics were watching, I really try to avoid taking any notice to the metascore now, they usually get it wrong, they give these big blockbuster films amazing scores because its some "big up our history or heroes type story" American sniper comes to mind (take that story with a pinch of salt), which I found to be an eye rolling yawnfest. Alright it was OK... but nothing to write home about. (I will criticise that as it is supposed to be a biopic and not just an entertaining film)

But the critics can't see this film for what it is? Entertainment... Good acting, decent enough effects and good swordplay... And don't get caught up in any historical inaccuracies, because its aa fantasy film, not real life.


It's a wonderful film.

Although I saw Clive Owen & Morgan Freeman were starring in it, I was kind of expecting yet another knock-off knight/fight simplistic type of yawner film.

I instead was totally & very pleasantly surprised and pleased.

I have a longer post over on the 'Worst Movie' (or whatever it's called) thread with all I loved about the film.

Although I watched it for free, I am going to now order the Blu-ray of it for my personal collection.

Some critics totally missed the boat on this one (but what else is new? sigh) ~

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"
