MovieChat Forums > Cooties (2015) Discussion > Why does this site hate horror?

Why does this site hate horror?

Horror, horror comedy, horror/sci-fi- etc...everyone always seems to vote in the extremely negative when it comes to this particular genre and it's sub-genres. What is it about horror that turns people into ultra snooty wannabe critics? Even the most praised horror films of the past few years have relatively lower scores here than one would expect.

I would have expected a film this energetic, un-PC, irreverent and funny have at least a 6.5. But it's barely holding onto a flat 6. Obviously genre fare isn't going to appeal to the widest audience, but as a whole the voters and reviews of this site just seem to have it in for horror.


I gave it an 8, and I'm with you completely.


Yeah, that's my experience as well. When using the ratings as a guide to whether a movie is likely to be watchable, I've often found that most (though not all) horror movies that scores >4.5 are usually still fairly entertaining, whereas most (though not all) comedies, dramas or action movies scoring below a 6 are just not worth the effort it takes to watch them. I guess I must just have a very unusual taste in movies.


You always have to take a pinch of salt with imdb becuase of the voters, like on comerdys and horrors I always add 5 points to get a better idea, why everyone hates them but loved drama and superhero moives I dont know but id guess at it being more subbjective stuff ^.^

Pointing me out on spelling is just one hell of a poor argument..





Exorcist, The Decent, Candyman, Cabin in the Woods, Alien, The Ring - some pretty good horror and horror sub genre films that come to mind, from a variety of decades.

As to the OP - horror is still an art form that people don't know how to fully accept, I guess.


Alien, The Thing (1982), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Jaws, Hellraiser, The Mist, The Descent, Halloween (1978), etc. are fantastic films in their own right let alone horror. To each their own, but to consider any of those films low on imagination and stories (their stories were so damn good that films are still ripping off of some of them today) is ridiculous.


Because horror is one of the most polarizing genres there is, even among horror fans. There are too many diverging opinions about what makes successful horror, and if viewers find the movie aren't living up to their personal standard chances are they'll hand out lower ratings.


I am just really not sure what people expect from Horror movies. I mean, what I saw in the trailer was an accurate representation of what this movie delivered for me. I saw the trailer, I watched the movie, I had a great time. It's a Gory Horror Comedy, with an above average cast and writing for a film in this genre. I have a tough time figuring out what else people wanted from the movie or what they hated so much about it. If you don't like this type of movie, why did you go see it after watching the trailer?


What you said.
