
Well directed but lackluster scripth

Nothing much was established in its running time and nothing much happens one could sum up the story in a sentence which is a shame as the concept had a lot of potential but it felt like somthing was missing. Through out it felt as if I missed the 1st 30 mins but I didnt

Oh well I really like the directors style and skill but he did t have much to work with with this script evarything was all just adiqet and nothing more the main this g that stood out was the scenery

Not an stinker but just a missed opportunity

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Yeah, the plot was so thin and the movie moved so slow.

(Or maybe the film moved so slow BECAUSE the plot was so thin?)

I love the cast, loved the acting and the premise but you're right about this being a wasted opportunity of a film.
