What Dandridge?

Gerri???? Gerri???? Why not Regine, like everybody knows?????


maybe she s colin farel's twin sister


This movie has nothing to do with anything ... it's not a sequel, not a preview, nothing to do with the history of film. The name of the sister of Jerry Dandridge is Regine.


It does not seem to have anything to do with either of the previous films. The original Dandridge was played by Chris Sarondon and the vampire hunter was Roddy McDowell. That film was fantastic. The Colin sequel of a few years ago sucked and this looks unwatchable.


I just saw a trailer for this and didn't even know it was out. But from watching the trailer it looks like a remake of the original movie, just with a female lead vampire. They had the scene looking thru the window, Evil Ed, the line "welcome to Fright Night... for real".
