Wow no posts

I'm going to watch this tonight, I'll let you know if its any good.


Yeah that would be great, because nobody seems to care about this movie man :(



I've got the Legit one downloading right now.

*beep* off you *beep* *beep*


Truly...SO nice of you share.




I plan to see it only for Vida Guerra. Does she show her butt?


how was it?


The film called Blood Shed was uploaded wrongly. Everyone who thought they were getting it got some class A *beep* called American Weapon but for some reason it's called blood shed, it is a truly terrible film


Well? Is it?


Yeah, I watched 5 minutes of a movie that was NOT this movie.


Yea someone played a nasty joke on us all. The movie we got was not this one. It says its called Blood Shed: An American Horror Story at the beginning but its not this movie. Comes up as something called American Weapon on IMDB. That movie was terrible, this one looks decent. I like Bai Ling and I'll watch anything with Vida's ass walking around. Oh well, I'll keep looking. Sorry everyone.



aside from all of the bogus titles mislabled American Weapon is this movie Blood Shed available at all.????
the trailer looked pretty good..


THat's a good question, at this point I'm seriously doubting the existence of the Blood Shed film with the synopsis that everyone is lookin for. Seems like a bunch of cheap marketing tricks or just pranks altogether for the internet Dl'er's & streamers.


Sweet Jeebus that American Weapon was bad. When I want sex and violence, I don't want trite little bumper sticker dialog like "freedom isn't free" and jibes at Dick Cheney a full decade after it was cool to do that.

Will be interested to see if Vida's ass and Bai's pencil erasers make an appearance in the real version.


It is available on Redbox now.


Watched it and quite frankly didn't mind it. It has plenty of flaws including cut away deaths and a couple of unanswered questions but for an indie horror this was perfectly watchable. Liked the setting as well, very claustrophobic

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