MovieChat Forums > Sirens (2014) Discussion > Really, Denis Leary?

Really, Denis Leary?

Watching the episode where they get passes to the cool gym and Teresa is all excited because Michelle Obama works out there and Billy says Michelle Obama is hot. Seriously, Denis Leary?


Michelle Obama IS hot. She's aging, but she is hot.

If I should fall asleep and death takes me away don't be surprised son, I wasn't put here to stay.


She is NOT hot. She is attractive in her own way, though.

  



Until she opens her mouth and tries to tell me what I should eat, and how much I should exercise. Then she becomes very unattractive.

The funny thing about that whole comment is that I think the Obama's have spent far more time in Hawaii than they have in Chicago since he got elected. The only time I can remember them being in that wonderful city is around election time, and that was to vote. Fly in, vote, fly out. I think they'd be able to go to the front the line as well. They probably spent more time in the limo to and from the airport than actually "in" Chicago.


Until she opens her mouth and tries to tell me what I should eat, and how much I should exercise. Then she becomes very unattractive.

Right. But what matters is how Billy feels about her.

The OP's issue seems to be that he thinks it's unrealistic for the writers/producers of the show to have Billy say that she was hot.


I didn't reply to the OP, but rather thethinman76, so I don't see how my comment being applicable to the OP's even matters? That being said, my comment would still be germane even if I had responded to the OP.

So, I guess what I'm asking is, what's your point?


I didn't reply to the OP, but rather thethinman76, so I don't see how my comment being applicable to the OP's even matters? That being said, my comment would still be germane even if I had responded to the OP.

So, I guess what I'm asking is, what's your point?

I suppose my point is that it is irrelevant if other people think or don't think Michelle Obama is "hot". What matters is if Billy is the type of guy to say she is hot, and what matters is if it is realistic for Billy to think that.

thethinman76 was responding to the OP by saying that he agreed with Billy that she's hot (i.e., there are people who find her hot; therefore the OP's argument fails), and you rebutted thethinman76 by giving reasons why you think Michelle Obama is not hot.


Until she opens her mouth and tries to tell me what I should eat, and how much I should exercise.
Exactly! Fat kids are awesome. Why would you want to get rid of fat kids?

I am Bizarro Saints!


I think she's attractive, and I can see how some people might consider her "very attractive", AND considering Billy is the type of guy to use hyperbole (maybe it's his Latino upbringing), it seems pretty much in character for Billy to say that she's hot.


haha billy, he cracks me up, dude deserves a latino award or smtg.


To be fair, even if this was a big issue, I don't think Denis has that much control over the show. He probably just makes money off of it and sometimes plugs it on his twitter. It would be like complaining to Steven Spielberg about all of the dumb things in the Transformers movies.

I call movies that are considered bad hated movies.


to put it context as of the time the show was aired.. in the pantheon of First Ladies. Yeah.. Michelle Obama was HOT.. maybe the hottest, or easily top 3. And its also coming from Billy, whom.. while i think he's hilarious is not the most reliable in his opinions anyway.
