I didn't quite catch this

Sorry to ask, I watched this movie yesterday and I got a little distracted towards the end because it got more awful with every minute.

So Heather was really the wicked one, but I did not get why she killed her Mom and Robbie. There was something about a stone angel and a human angel, but I missed the connection completely. Was her father in on it or was he oblivious to her powers?

Thanks in advance for the answer, I really don't want to watch it again.

Oh, and did anyone get, that her mother died at age 30 (1982-2012) with a 16 year old daughter? I guess the gravestone should have read 1972, just one more stupid thing about the film.

Paranoia strikes deep 🐈




I came here to try to figure out the wrap-up part, because after dottering around like a senile senior looking for their dentures, all of a sudden Robbie (or whomever) was dead, and mumble, mumble, lake...mumble, mumble where's Heather (or whatever her name was), mumble, mumble, things, stuff, credits. I had started working on something else, half-heartedly watching, so I'm sure the comment about going to the lake had some meaning, but damned if I know what it was.

I think the evil thingy-thing devil child was referred to in some text the priest had. The stone angel was the tombstone or statue, and the human was [surprise!] Robbie, who was supposed to be like a sacrifice. What I wasn't clear on was the father's loyalties at the end; I am assuming that since this really did riff off The Omen a whole lot, that the father is going to love his daughter even though she is pure evil, and so he is going to take her away to somewhere where no one knows that everyone seems to mysteriously die around her. Or I could be wrong, maybe he killed her and I missed it. TBH, don't really care. I'm more mystified by how Slater came to be in this than anything else. He, and his character, just seemed so out of place and random. It might have even been better if the priest hadn't been in it at all, and it was left sort of nebulous as to whether it was an evil kid, a crazy dad, paranormal, not paranormal, both, neither...kind of like Kubrick's version of The Shining, y'know?
