Leia was way too robotic

I know that she was confined for majority of her life and had no idea how to behave in some situations and the like but still, she was like a robot, seriously. She was like, devoided of any personality to boot.



I think it was actually the opposite problem. Not that she was confined, but that she's being forced to live with (and trust / love) complete strangers. That would make anyone uncomfortable. From her point of view, she was taken from her father, basically, and forced to live with overprotective strangers who hug her and tell her her name is not her name. That would be downright creepy and I don't think most of us would quite know how to react.


Well yes. Thats the hole point of the story. What happens if you are robbed of everything normal and spend 17 years locked up in a basement! Saoirse Ronan is one of the best actresses around and she manage to portray that to perfection. Sadly the story left me a little puzzled in this. After what she went through she would have been sent to a doktor and recived therapy before they took her home. Allowing her to see the kidnapper in jail and the ending.. Full marks 10/10 for Saoirse Ronan and 4/10 for the movie.

* My God!.. Its Full of Stars! *


Yes, I agree. At times I was lost, I thought it was some king of science fiction concept or futuristic film with her. It didn't seem at all she was a kidnap victim. This let the film down I think. Cynthia Nixon was brilliant, she save the film.


Yes, I agree. At times I was lost, I thought it was some kind of science fiction concept or futuristic film with her character. It didn't seem at all she was a kidnap victim. This let the film down I think. Cynthia Nixon was brilliant, she saved the film.
