Great FILM

Junger does superb job in keeping flow of pic lively enough to ensure viewer attention, while doing justice/paying homage to legacy of his deceased friend/collaborator, Tim Hetherington. Concise interview snipets coincide w/candid footage, revealing true sense of Tim's vision, skill & motivation. One gets the eerie sense that Tim's plight was borderline adrenaline inspired, but need only hear his explanations to understand the depths of his heartfelt passion & self-realized higher calling. Accurate portrayal of one man's ambitions, not merely for fame of his craft...but ratherrather the suffering humanity in which he chose to submerge himself w/in. In life, the camera allowed Tim a platform, w/which he offered the people a means to speak loud & clearly from. Sadly- the ultimate price was paid for many a sacrifice made...hence, the untimely demise of this talented & selfless man, far too soon.


It appears you'd be better suited to take on the task of Documenting mortar Attacks on Journalists abroad...since your meticulously redundant critique of that one tragic event seems to be an obsessive topic of yours. Perhaps, you felt left out of the now historical moment, possibly missing your window into "martyrdom"? It's called Artistic creative license, mind you...simple editing during production, where pieces of film are sliced & diced along w/Audi overdubs... As an unbiased viewer- I was not misled down any paths I recall, causing me to give unwarrented credit to TIM H for video of other journalists...never even occured to me who took much of the footage. Also, the title clearly states "LIFE & TIME" remembering, recollecting & revisiting TIM thru various somber, sympathetic & sincere 1st hand experiences seemed quite appropriate. Who in the World cares what the genre is titled? You have preconceived ideas about how this isn't a true Documentary....then bash the film for not adhering to a Docu-format? Seriously? Why not criticize it's merits as a "TRIBUTE" since you feel the apparent need to categorize. Furthermore...belittling the production crew/director for not "raising questions" about the reasons the journalists requested to return to the front line, so-on/so forth...IT IS ONLY TOO OBVIOUS, they want the ACTION, it's stated in plain English by the Man who was at TIM's side throughout traumatic ordeal...what possible questions would/should the filmmakers pose that were not implicitly stated during the entire scene already? Again your attempts at sounding as if the Film missed huge parts of a mystery, or major elements were deleted/excerpts withheld which would have cleared up drastic controversy....Believe me, it's just not that difficult to comprehend the overall point of the flick...and there needn't be any unnecessary delving into meaningless & irrelevant focussing on the sub-texts of the attacks.War is ugly, brutality is gruesome...these facts are a given, why try to make anything more out of the obvious. TIM & others died tragically, doing what they knew had drastic risks...did they deserve it? No. Where they doing the World any service by running back into what appeared to ba deathtrap? Probably not...but these are the chances that great journalists take...As Sebastian explained, the better photo/Video journalists are at higher risk, since they will eventually & exclusively seek out the most dangerous, not because they are suicidal, adrenaline ju kids seeking a higher thrill, better's because, experience revels to them over much time-the deepest, richest stories are at the center of it all....not far away on the sidelines and outskirts... So odds will nevertheless catch up, sooner or later....and those who put themselves in harms way, indeed--may bolster their résumés, get the scoop, and probably land the best paying jobs &/or exclusives....however, and what was truly clear & evident throughout the entire film, was that only a few, just a handful will risk their lives for capturing footage that transcends. They have a drive to do something worthwhile.. The best journalists & photograhers stop at nothing if they believe their story can make a difference, change a life, even save the world...Is there something so horribly wrong w/that? SebJung did an exemplary job at allowing fans, viewers, spectators to make their own conclusions..base a personal opinion on whatever they may gather from the film. As w/all Art, essentially it's up to the observer to interpret however they choose. By calling attention to whatever miniscule role you allegedly had 5days later....and yelling at an ambulance for a dying rebel, which may've been caught on a tape that was not used in this particular film, doesn't make anybody think more highly of your opinion....actually. So please, maybe if you really put the same efforts into your skills/ would feel more secure & accomplished...possibly do well enough to win an award, or be nominated for something substantial....(& even very least relevant)...back to YOUR drawing board....


The review did appear to be biased because he did not get credit for them using his voice and he bashed them and more for it. I have not seen it yet so cant say how the film is but it seems they even went out of the way to send him a heads up and ask what his opinion on it was. I am sure they were hurt by it because yea its a tribute to Tim Hetherington and a documentary about brave and great journalists.


Shift+Enter is your friend.


The second mssge(2nd post) by in response to ANDRELIOHN's "USER REVIEW" submitted 3/12/13....



Andreliohn clearly has an enormous log on his shoulder and his review has an almost wilful lack of objectivity. The reverse is true of Mrmanifest71. Whether the film is billed as biopic, homage, documentary or work of fiction is completely irrelevant. Restrepo said as much about its makers Junger and Hetherington as it did about its subjects, and who but a total loser would begrudge the one a work of homage to the other?


I just saw the film on Estonia's public broadcaster ETV. There were shots of which I knew that they were not filmed by Tim himself, especially some that were filmed the day he died.

I do not contest the factual information that Liohn provided in his review, and I disagree with his feelings towards how the movie was made wrt Tim.

The documentary was about Tim. As to whether it really answered the question about why men go to war, or what Tim was really like, or why journalists go to these very dangerous events might remain unanswered, because I gathered that Tim knew best, and he is not here, and he wanted to know more.

The film could have been better, and I feel like Tim would have been able to make it so. Only that...

I think he got very close to the answer, the closest anyone can get before it stops.
