MovieChat Forums > In the Flesh (2013) Discussion > What does is mean that Kieren is the fir...

What does is mean that Kieren is the first risen?

I don't watch this show and only stumble upon it because of Emmett Scanlan. What exactly does it mean when he said that Kieren was the first risen?

To breathe in the air of life.



i'm wondering if maybe some of those against the returned think that by re-killing (permanently) the first one to rise (Kieren) will in turn kill all the zombies everywhere. maybe like (depending on the vampire story/movie) when the head/lead vampire is killed every vampire (that vamp sired?) also dies?


That's an interesting theory. Or if some think killing him will make everyone rise and it will be a zombie world?

Like I said I don't watch the show, (zombies and me are not a good mix) but I saw on tumblr that when Kieren rose things were different than how he described it at lunch. Maybe he's remembering it wrong, how much can they remember from what happen when they rose and when they were rabid?

Anyway there were other zombies around and it wasn't like he said. Are they contradicting what happen in series one so he can be the special first risen?

Perhaps since Kieren killed himself and the reason why he killed himself at the lost of his love. Which was a big sin and that's what trigger the rising? Killing oneself is one of those big sins in the bible from what I remember, so perhaps thats what caused everything?

I do like Kieren and from what I have seen of him, he has leader qualities in him. And is more than just a mousy quiet young man. He has a lot of layers to him. I want him to be ok, him and Amy.

To breathe in the air of life.


It'll be interesting if they believe they have to kill Kieren to trigger the second rising now that Simon and Kieren are a thing.

Whatever the deal is with the first risen I'm pretty sure both sides are going to think they have to kill Kieren to get what they want. Like the other poster said, my first thought was also that the anti-PSD side probably believe that if they kill the first risen all of the risen will drop dead.

Curses on you, you're driving me normal!


Maybe watch the show, instead of asking a question to which you won't even understand the answer?
