MovieChat Forums > In the Flesh (2013) Discussion > Are the HVF really bad guys?.

Are the HVF really bad guys?.

What's so wrong about Humans that are willing to protect their village from PDS sufferers that can't be trusted?.

Just because I have no one to be loyal to, it doesn't mean I don't know what loyalty is.



I really was in two minds about the vicar and the HVF... Half of me thought they were dangerous fanatics... Half of me thought their attitude made a lot of sense - particularly if the authorities had failed to adequately protect people during the Rising... I think it's a sign of how well-written this is that you can sort of see where the "bad guys" are coming from... Mind you - the execution of the old lady in the street was completely unjustifiable... It'll be interesting to see how the boss HVF guy reacts to his son being a PDS sufferer.


I think it is a matter of how far they take it. And as we saw in the first episode they take the PDS very seriously. If they would have knocked on the guys door and told him and his wife to leave the area I could understand that but, dragging her out in the middle of the street and killing her execution style is way over the line.

It is hard not to sound condescending when you are explaining things to an idiot!


They are afraid. People who live in fear react this way. That's the story.

"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it".


The start of the Nazi party were of a group of people who were afraid as well.

It is hard not to sound condescending when you are explaining things to an idiot!


No... this isn't a good-bad guy show.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


My thoughts exactly. They're all just normal people, some better, some worse.

Please consider me as an alternative to suicide


No. You kill the undead which rise and attack humanity. So no, they aren't bad guys at all. That's the problem with trying to humanise monsters. It doesn't work.


So do you fight your enemy in a civil war, but after it's done you don't go on a vendetta or impose a blood feud upon your former enemies once cease fire takes place. There are always people who will keep the grudge forever or have lost loved ones and simply can't let go, but that doesn't permit them to make their own justice.

Rick may have died, but he came back home. What is a person other than his/hers feelings and memories? The undead in this show keep all of theirs... How aren't they the same people they were before?


You aren't seriously trying to say that a man who kills his own child is a good man. I hope you aren't, anyway.


They are zombies. What is dead, never comes back alive. Its not a civil war. Civil war is a fight over opinion, opposing sides. Zombie apocalypse is the rising of the deceased, monsters. You kill them all. They are not human, ever, no silly premise of pills or injects could ever bring rotting, dead flesh back to life.

That's why the premise is stupid in the first place. That's why none of it makes sense. Dead people are dead. Come back to life? Flesh eating zombie monsters. No humanity can ever be gained back, let alone all organs etc would be past the point of no return within a few weeks let alone months or years.


It's a confused state of mind that will accept, for entertainment purposes, the notion of the dead coming back to life as monsters, but not accept coming back to life as themselves.

The "rules" are entirely in your head.



Woah.. Take it easy. They WERE zombies. Now they're just undead, but not mindless, quite the opposite. That's the whole premise. If you don't like it, why bother watching it after the first five minutes? It's fiction, give it a rest.



Why would you watch a programme about zombies if you find the premise so stupid you can't suspend disbelief for the sake entertainment? Thats like going to watch a superman film and then complaining that it doesn't make sense because aliens don't exist.
Of course the dead can't come back to life that's not really a debatable issue. But when watching a show/film like this (supernatural, fantasy, sci-fi etc) you either take it at face value or you stop watching.

Please consider me as an alternative to suicide


There's the rational and the criminal:

A rational response is stopping an assault in progress, or notifying the police when you have knowledge of an assault so that they can be arrested. Note that not even police are permitted to go into someone's home, pull a sick old lady out onto the street, point a gun at her head, and cold-bloodedly shoot them EVEN IF that person is suspected of a crime. There's a really good reason for that, and that's because any society that tolerates murder will descend into chaos in no time.

Being afraid is a good rationale for calling the police, or for staying away from someone. If you know of a crime, you report it or you intervene to stop it. You don't commit crimes of your own. And being afraid is no excuse for that. Being afraid of an old sick lady who has just recovered from an illness is just pathetic.

The HVF is the same rationale for joining a gang to protect one's turf. It may make you feel safe, but don't fool yourself into thinking that you are actually protecting anyone. That's the same rationale used for gang violence, racial violence, ethnic violence, religious violence, and yes, anti-gay violence all over the world. And in any case, killing to protect is only used, even by the police, as a last resort.


The problem is that in a remote society like the one in the TV show, the HVF >ARE< the police, or the next best thing.

It's easy to say "it's a Police problem, it's nothing to do with me".
But sometimes, you can't palm it off to someone else.
Sometimes you have to handle problems yourself.

Unfortunately, in the case of the HVF the lack of oversight means that excessive and illegal use of force is bound to happen.

"Blood of Thrones" - proceeds to Action Cancer:


Not all of the HVF are portrayed as bad... just those who listen and agree with the prejudice against the PDS-sufferers (I refrain from using the Z-word as it may offend some people).

And unfortunately it seems like many of the HVF members do that, which makes them bad. Jem included.


its a gray spot, i think if the PDS are dangerous and untreated then they could be put down, but after medicating them they are basically themselves again.
