They're all so young.

Keiren said that he and the others rose because they died the year before The Rising. The majority of the risen seem to be teens to twenty-somethings. How is it that so many young people died that year?


Reading between the lines the 'younger' ones mention from time to time over the season how they died.. Suicide, car crash by driving too fast, drugs etc... Perhaps its a comment on the younger generation (ironically) living more reckless and not worring about consequences..


Perhaps. But there's also Amy who died of leukaemia, and took her second life with joy and enthusiasm and was in a way grateful for this 'second chance'. I just love how they show us so many different stories and perspectives towards life. I really hope ITF gets renewed!


Maybe the younger zombies just survived longer when being hunted, and all the old zombies were killed off.


the show is made for youngster, even if it is nice made, is a gay twilight


Not even the same genre. Twilight was primarily a romance. The romance in In The Flesh is secondary to other aspects of the plot.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."
