MovieChat Forums > In the Flesh (2013) Discussion > Decent finale for season 2! (SPOILERS)

Decent finale for season 2! (SPOILERS)

it wasn't a great finale for season 2 but it was ok. the most dramatic part was of course Amy getting re-killed by psycho Maxine Martin. that part totally bummed me out. Amy was awesome. i felt so bad for Philip too at losing his new love.

the finale was a bit jarring though. all the townsfolk all of a sudden (after Maxine reveals her true intentions?) went from out of control, overtly hateful people to (at least on the surface) civil, calm people.....

also Keiren's parents locking him in his room and treating him like their enemy came out of nowhere IMO. yes his folks were worried about him and were uncomfortable with Kerien's not wearing his makeup/contact lenses but their dramatic and jarring behavior towards their son was odd.

i'm kind of pissed that Gary just goes on with his life with hardly repercussions for doing what he did to Keiren (forcing him to go rabid...sort of)...i'm glad Jem broke up with him.

i think Amy (if there is a season 3) will somehow return. those 2 government(?) people digging up her grave i think could maybe somehow bring Amy back. i think they were after her/her DNA for a cure to the returned/zombies.

and since Amy wasn't the first returned i guess it really WAS Kerien?


All very good points. I enjoyed the finale and really hope there is a season 3.

I'm thinking the grave robbers work for the drug manufacturer.....think of all the fodder for season 3 if it turns out PDS is curable or more likely (to me), has ran it's course. Bad for the drug companies....bad for the ones getting free(?) labor from PDS suffers, I'd imagine PDS has become a big industry in many ways in 4 years.

I'm also thinking that what was happening to Amy was the beginning of the "Second Rising", wouldn't be the first time someone buggered a prophecy. Would be a shame not to have another season to wrap it all up.


Out of nowhere? They were kind of building up to that from previous episode if anything.

I don't think they're quite civil and calm yet. The slightly darkly humourous "still a rotter" conversation made it clear there are still tensions, but they won't be as severe as they were before.

Gary just sort of ran off and nobody discovered he did it, so I do think he will get his comeuppance later.

"If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band!"


I agree, you could see it especially on the fathers part. Reading out his feelings like he was reading a textbook. But all the reactions a very human in their own way. That's why I love this show. Very down to earth [no pun intended]

Overall I loved the Finale, and I hope they give us another season.


I did enjoy the finale. But, you've made some valid criticisms, jjett123... The townsfolk did switch a bit too quickly once they saw what a mental case Maxine was... The second series wasn't quite as good as the exquisite and thoughtful first series... In the first two or three episodes, we had more of a focus on Jem, were getting to know people at the school and had all that business with Freddie and his ex. Then, in the second half of the series, the focus was suddenly back solely on the core characters, which felt a bit inconsistent... And, as for the two people last seen merrily digging up Amy's body - sinister organisations are really a bit of a cliché of the genre now, having been done in "Buffy" and "Being Human", to name but two... However, the quality of the writing and acting remained very high and it was still one of the best things on tele.


How do we know Amy is not the first risen? No one has explained what the 'second rising' actually is. Could it be the dead returning,the PDS actually coming back to life,Amy coming back or maybe from Amy they find a drug that will bring people back from the dead! I enjoyed the show and look forward to season 3.


i wondered the same after watching the finale. what if the second rising was the original risers just coming back as human. so glad i wasnt the only one who thought that might be a possibility. could the same be happening to keiren? i thought when he was in the bathroom his hand twitched like amy's. earlier on a few weeks ago the old mother said she was able to drink one glass of booze now. hoping for a third series.


I did not enjoy the ending it would have been what was expected but I would have loved to see all the graves people climbing out of them as the ex-counciller walked away.


I'm pretty sure of what is happening now.

The Second Rising is of the 'good' and 'worthy'.

These good 'rotters' will 'rise', or rather 'ascend'.

Basically, the good PDS will embrace their lives instead of depravity. Through this, they will heal faster. Through healing faster, they will become living humans again, but along with the journeys they went through, their (metaphorical) light will shine and inspire humans and PDS alike (hi Amy!).

Those who stay into depression, hatred, and spitefulness will heal slower, and be more likely to take measures to keep themselves PDS - aka keep the ability to go rabid, be a danger towards others, but also seize forms of power for themselves (the cult leadership).

Back and forth, we see the pros and cons of both approaches. We see that when a PDS puts on that makeup, that it is just a lie, an illusion. We see that the living can sink themselves into depravity and hatred as well, and be little better than a rotter when they let themselves act that way. We see that sometimes brutal and instinctual action is either necessary or the unfortunate truth, for example.

But in the end, 'rising' is what we ought to be always striving for. To be human. To be better humans. To accept our current situation (like being okay with being PDS), but take help when we can, and hone our discernment on what are good and bad influences. And understand that we'll make mistakes along the way.

The 'Second Rising' as defined by extremists won't happen. But like most extremists, they've found and ran with a basic truth that moderates conveniently ignore - that a rising will occur. Yet.. it won't be of more dead rising to undeath (unless it is artificially done again for the sake of a corporate interest), but of the undead trying to embrace the concept of their new lives.

This show straddles the line between faith and science. We can believe that one day the ITF universe will understand how the First Rising happened in a scientific way, or we can just take the more religious belief for what it is. The same goes for the concept of 'Rising/Evolution/Ascension'. It doesn't matter, because everyone's beliefs will clash against each other in very physical and emotional ways, and lead itself toward an end regardless. This end will hopefully be an acceptance of PDS/undead and an education of its unique strengths (immortality maybe?, healing properties?, more?), along with the availability of the undead to become alive (through medication and/or therapy).

Heck, the Second Rising, in some sense, might be of humanity itself - the dead, undead, and alive.


The writer of the show has stated that Amy is the first risen: iew-whats-next-for-in-the-flesh


ECVaux, i figured Amy was the first but then does that mean that Maxine was just too late (the "sacrifice/re-kill" had to be between a certain time i think) to start the 2nd rising when she stabbed/re-killed Amy? or i wonder if the whole 2nd rising thing was just a rumor/lie that certain groups (on the show) made up to inspire fear in the living humans.


Or everyone was just wrong in expecting the Second Rising to be immediate.

Remember the "agents" mentioned something about timing- they were just in time to dig her up. In time to dig her up and bring her back to life? Or just in time to get her out of there before the others rose?

You better understand I'm in love with myself Myself My beautiful self


Remember the "agents" mentioned something about timing- they were just in time to dig her up. In time to dig her up and bring her back to life? Or just in time to get her out of there before the others rose?

Recall the two Halperin & Weston employees at the diner earlier in the episode. When the man opened the trunk there were oxygen tanks and ventilation fans, in addition to shovels, duct tape and other miscellaneous supplies.

At the end of the episode when he opens the trunk in the graveyard you can see in for just a fraction of a second and the oxygen tanks aren't there.

Maybe they were expecting her to become fully alive (non-PDS) based on the test results, or perhaps this has even happened before (was the man brushing dirt off his coat in the earlier scene?). Not sure how they'd know to be prepared to dig her up, but they definitely were; and it even seems that they were set up to make sure that she could breath upon reawakening.

My best guess is that "still time" means that there is still oxygen left in the tank to keep Amy alive. She couldn't dig her way up without suffocating now that she has functioning cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.


It was Ok, a little contrived, but I enjoyed it. Really hope we get Season 3.
