MovieChat Forums > In the Flesh (2013) Discussion > POLL: Would you welcome a PDS family me...

POLL: Would you welcome a PDS family member back into YOUR home?

I posed this question to myself and I honestly don't know.

You know your PDS loved one has killed people and in some cases, other family members. Would you really be able to sleep at night knowing that they are under your roof again?

I might if they agreed to be locked in the basement or barn at night. LOL!

I ❤️ this show for the social issues it faces head-on.

Never vomit in a wicker trashcan.



But what if they accidentally forget a dose? Then you're kinda screwed...and dinner.

Never vomit in a wicker trashcan.




I've actually thought of this before and found myself conflicted as well.

I'd rather they stay dead and be in a happier place (if such thing exists).

I would probably accept them back but would very cautious. Prolly own dogs to alert me if they'd gone rabid.


Yeah, been thinking about this and glad we've got a couple of dogs here. I'd accept my sister back because I know she'd never forget a dose & we'd be really, really careful. But I don't know if I'd accept everyone in my family into my house. It's a tricky one. Love how this show deals with it.


Obviously, yes. Do I want a beloved family member to die, or do I want them back? I want them back. I would pity my loved one for what they had gone through, rather than fear them for it. Even if they had killed family members -- imagine how much worse it is for them than it is for me, having to live with that.


"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I remember thinking the same thing while watching the show. And my answer would be, it depends on which family member. I feel awful about it, but I got a pretty *beep* family.
I'm more scared of them alive, than dead :D
