MovieChat Forums > In the Flesh (2013) Discussion > Fantastic! vs. Walking Dead

Fantastic! vs. Walking Dead

I am from the US and thought that this show had more story, better acting, direction that three seasons of the Walking Dead combined. I am a zombie genre fan since I was 10 and watched "Night of the Living Dead" in B&W at 3 in the morning in a remote bungalow. This series had so much heart, inhabited by real people. Brilliant in every aspect.

I can only hope that they write more episodes and explore those other story archs.

Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc


I don't like it better, I don't even think I liked it quite as much, but it was well-written and acted. It seems like all the two have in common are zombies, because the characters and plot lines are so different.

I got thrown out of someone's house at 2AM because they were trying to watch NOTLD and I was laughing too hard and disturbing everyone else. Didn't mean I didn't like it, I just happened to find it hilarious that particular night.


Episode for episode I would have to say it was MUCH better than The Walking Dead. But that's not hard to do when you only have three episodes, because those developments would have otherwise been spread out over many episodes. I'd have to rate The Walking Dead better overall because it has so, so many more episodes. But if In The Flesh continues it could definitely surpass TWD.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Totally agree. TWD is a survivalist show. Kinda like what Lost would have been without the time travel and the silly smoke monsters. The zombies are incidental. Just an environmental pressure point.

In The Flesh, like good scifi, uses the supernatural to push reality out of its bounds and reflect on social issues and human nature.

Totally different.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


the two programmes are different and I wouldnt compare them either.

but In the flesh is utter *beep*


In The Flesh, like good scifi, uses the supernatural to push reality out of its bounds and reflect on social issues and human nature.

You realize that's exactly what Lost did right?

"By what right does the wolf judge the lion" - Jaime Lannister


Liked ITF much more than the crummy TWD.


Just because something has more episodes definetly does not make better, that's one of the stupidest things I've heard. TWD is different yes but it's gone downhill with the budget cuts and annoying characters.

I much prefer in the flesh, very very good considering its BBC 3. It got me hooked instantly, a different twist on the zombie genre, topped with a great story and characters, also the cinematography was also excellent and much better than TWD. In fact it having only 3 (would have preferred 6 like the beeb usually does) episodes leaves you wanting more and not getting bored of the same old.


The show's budget has exponentially risen since season one.

You are wrong.


They are both fantastic shows, it sucks that in the flesh has very few episodes though.


That's the only thing I hate about tv shows from England. Way short seasons and too long between the seasons being aired. They are both pretty awesome though.

Your star will shine again one day through deep blue velvet skies...


Plot-wise, I felt like In the Flesh is a lot more similar to True Blood. Instead of vampires living in society, it's PDS people living in society.

I don't mind that they don't make long seasons and twenty episodes, usually a shorter season tends to be better as a whole. I just hope they finish these series well. :)


So, you're stating ITF is the superior series based off of three episodes of the first season?

The reason I ask is, the first three episodes of TWD series are awesome, heck the whole first season is great. So, the comparisons can be made in fairness is the first season of both shows, and especially considering the first season of TWD was only I believe 6 episodes.


ITF reminds me of John Ajvide Lindqvist's/ Handling the Undead.
TWD is in the thick of it, surviving the ZA.

I'm not sure I can buy into integrating them into society.
TrueBlood kinda lost me on their attempt to turn vampires into pets.


Yes! The premise is very similar to Handling the Undead (which I love).
I'm a fan of TWD too and think it's a great show, but very different from ITF. Still they deal with humanity and the loss and recovery of it, but the approach is very different.

I don't know you guys but I just love that Kieren's last name is Walker
