ambiguous sexuality

I have to admit I'm not a fan of this in writing or Film. I really wish they hadn't done it.



How is his sexuality ambiguous?

They have been pretty up-front about him being gay since the first episode.


The writer actually said "he's not gay, but he's not straight" which, I have to admit, is ambiguous and kind of annoying. I thought he was finally a perfectly written gay character, whose sexuality wasn't his entire identity, but apparently I was wrong. He's "not gay, but not straight".


The director did say that but he's full of *beep* If George Lucas said Darth Vader is Luke's mother that wouldn't make it true... Kieren's sexuality isn't ambiguous AFAIC.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


it's not ambiguous. he's simply not gay or straight, so it's pretty clear that he's pansexual. they do exist, you know. why do you find it annoying? there's a pretty serious lack of pan/bi representation in film and tv, so i think it's great that they reflect reality's sexual spectrum, instead of sticking to that boring binary *beep*


I would agree with you wholeheartedly if there was any evidence to suggest Kieren is capable of attraction to people who happen to be women. Everyone he's shown a romantic interest in thus far has been a man. What reason is there to believe he is bi or pan? Two romances isn't a huge sample size, but in fiction it's reasonable to go for the most logical answer until new evidence is provided. As of yet he's shown no signs of being bi or pan.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


I agree. What the writer said kind of annoyed me. Seems like a cop out.


This. :/ It kinda puts me off watching the show, tbh, because I don't want to get attached and then have them turn it into a mess when they decide things have gotten too gay for them. Makes me a lot more ambivalent about the prospect of a third series - if they get it only to then screw it up, I'd rather stop watching where it is, thanks. Much like I quit watching Teen Wolf at the end of S3. *wry*
