Waste of time

I don't mind unlikable characters or atmosphere focused movies but this was terrible. The guys were *beep* who do stupid *beep* for no reason and prey on girls, the girls were victims, ingenues who made one mistake after another and the adults were mostly creepy. The plot was meandering and unengaging. If the movie focused on just one of the plots maybe it would be better because they felt really undeveloped.

Generally I take at least *something* out of a bad movie, but this was a waste of time.

To be fair, the film had good things. I like Emma Roberts in general and Jack Kilmer gave a great performance but they were being undercut by the script. The cinematography was great though.


Another bad apple fell from the Coppola family. I was watching the movie, and I couldn't believe how pointless it is. I couldn't care less for the characters and what will become of them. They were completely hollow.
If a 15 year old made this movie, I'd tell him/her "good job for a start". Because it resembles to a movie, at least. But a 27 year old? And the granddaughter of one of the greatest American directors of the second half of the 20th century? No way. If I was him, I'd disinherit her the second after the movie ended! She's a poor version of her aunt, Sophia. Who is one of the most overrated directors ever. But at least "The Virgin Suicides" had something to say. "Palo Alto" said nothing at all. The movie ended, and I couldn't believe how someone gave the "green light" to be made... Well, I guess that someone was James Franco!


I echo your sentiment about the Coppolas. What bloody planet are they on?
I truly believe they just make films for themselves and a few select friends.


Proof of what you say is "Twixt". I can not conceive that this movie was made by Francis Ford Coppola, and I can't understand why he made this rubbish. Even if making it for himself, he could have made something better, like "Tetro", which, ok, it looks like a movie. "Twixt" looks like it was made by a completely untalented bad director on drugs. :p


I think this film is made for younger people? I don't know how old you are but that might be it.
